What is and isn't "Geek Culture"

Nothing is really geeky or nerdy. It's all just labels designed to sell stuff and lump people into groups. If movies were not designed to be seen by large groups most would never be made. The same goes for games.

Luckily with small developers and film makers there are cult classic movies and games that most will never play or see. But that is also the downside. Except in small cases most creators want their work to be seen and enjoyed by as many people as possible.

It all goes down to personal likes and dislikes in the end. A person who most would never describe as nerdy or geeky might love sci-fy movies with a passion that would make the biggest fans feel inadequate. While someone who is described as nerdy might have no passions in the "nerdy" fields (science, math, astronomy etc.)

I think the take away from this is that without groups with common interests you can't have culture. And geek culture is the same. Without the diversity of fans and people with common likes and dislikes you cant have the geek culture that you wish was smaller and more exclusive.

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