Alright I have a Sysrack chassis and I am working on making it into a multiple use rack, both NAS and passive income from mining Ethereum. This is the rack I got here, I was lucky to get it used for less than 50% of the MSRP.
The problem I am running into is I have NO Idea what a tray that is specifically for mounting GPUs would be called, I do not want an enclosure that fits both GPU and CPU as I am attempting to fit 12 GPUs at a single height.
I know there are little mounting brackets but I have been googling my butt off and have no idea how to find those without a massively overpriced vinyl motherboard mount.
The cheaper the better, and I guess DIY is an option but I don’t really have a clue what exactly.
Thank you in advance for any fingers pointed in a direction that could help.
Not sure what exactly you’re after, but try searching with “pcie extender” or “pcie socket”. The string “pcie adapter” would be a good start, especially if accompanied with something like “4-way” or “dual” etc.
Thanks everyone for your help.
I have a sliding tray that has a ton of small ventilation holes in it, I was indeed just looking for something to screw onto that and line up the pcie extenders with them so I can mount all of the GPUs without any wobble, I’ve already had a GPU fall over and blow the fan out.