What in the world is happening? TELCOS charging us extra for Whatsapp and Skype usage?




So what now.... we we have to pay extra just to use whatsapp/skype? Cause the Telcos charge theses companies and would incur the charges onto us?

I fear Australia would suffer the same fate.... Optus, is the 2nd largest telco in Australia but is owned by Singtel....
F**K foreign investors!

WhatsApp is starting it's own mobile service provider business, that's what's happening. It's pretty normal that - just like roaming charges - extra charges for WhatsApp, which is becoming a VOIP service, would be billed to the users.

It starts in Germany, where they have reached a deal with Telefonica's E-plus network, which is becoming the WhatsApp/Facebook carrier.

It's Zuckerberg's turn to get his arse whipped by the EU Commission. When will those cowboys ever learn...