What if everyone used Linux

I found this article and felt I needed to share it with everyone.


What if everyone used Linux

i've used ubuntu 10.04 and for me its very...interesting. for me personally, functionality at this moment of time, windows is where its at

lol, no. The same fucktard that clicks yes on a UAC Prompt will give a virus root.

Window's registry is fucking ancient...

I honestly cannot wait till the day I can drop windows for Mac/Linux.

Excellent read for the linux folk, I don’t think it will happen but I can always hope, just does not seem realistic to me.

If everyone used linux, devs would be more likely to design programs primarily for it. I am shocked there are not more users but then at the same time you can see why, PC comes with windows most people do not wish to know anything more than that, it works so all is good, but seriously I use linux for everything bar written assignments for college and gaming.

I am a gamer, and as a gamer I've had difficulty switching to Linux as a primary OS. I love everything about Linux except for the lack of games, so in the end I always end up going back to Windows. I got my Steam and I'm happy.

Now, if a Steam client was released for Linux, this would be a whole different story. I wouldn't even care if every game was supported, as long as game publishers had the option to release games for the Linux platform.

I realize that I can run Windows games on WINE, and I have before, but I don't enjoy it one bit. Many games do work, but bugs, glitches, and crashes constantly appear and then you have to search the internet for little tricks that may or may not get things to work. I don't want to try to hack and tweak and get every game to work, I just want my games to work automatically.

Kulawend: I am a gamer, and as a gamer I’ve had difficulty switching to Linux as a primary OS. I love everything about Linux except for the lack of games, so in the end I always end up going back to Windows. I got my Steam and I’m happy.Now, if a Steam client was released for Linux, this would be a whole different story. I wouldn’t even care if every game was supported, as long as game publishers had the option to release games for the Linux platform.I realize that I can run Windows games on WINE, and I have before, but I don’t enjoy it one bit. Many games do work, but bugs, glitches, and crashes constantly appear and then you have to search the internet for little tricks that may or may not get things to work. I don’t want to try to hack and tweak and get every game to work, I just want my games to work automatically.

I hear steam are developing a native client for linux, given the mac one was just released

Rumors of steam on Linux have been around forever though, the only thing that says anything about it being confirmed, is based off of something found with the mac release. But mind you, it ISN'T confirmed by Valve. Here's the article on that.


Linux is the Law Linux is the Religion when it comes to OS's, to me i use Linux for everything and Windows for Gaming, and i think whats holding off Linux is the gaming company's and if Valve ported Steam to Linux things will be allot different than they are now.

I want to put one thought out here that everyone seems to miss. Linux is not a gaming platform, because in the last ten years, most games are written using the DirectX media extensions. Which is the other reason why games these days are easily ported to/from the Xbox (the other reason I hate the Xbox btw).

When more games are written using OpenGL or some other media extension. You will see more games written in a linux environment. The biggest issue is the amount of time spent in R&D on a product that may or may not sell/work/generate a return, is really not a risk that most developers are willing to take. [b]id software[/b] has a history of making games that function in linux. Lets hope they continue to do so.

If/when there is a proper set of media extensions (OpenGL) that developers are willing to code in, that operate in both Linux and Windows environments, you will see more games on Linux. The media extension library doesn't HAVE to be open source. If Microsoft really wanted to appease the masses they would put together a Fedora machine, an Ubuntu machine, and write their own DirectX media extension for Linux and charge 50 bucks for it. it would give Developers a platform to create all these awesome games on, they would just have to lay out a set of system dependencies (software not hardware) that would have to be met for the DirectX4Linux to install.

Maybe we'll start our own developer company and create an epic game for Linux/Windows all published by "RazeTheWorld Games™"

Das ist alles.

Deus Qain said:

Maybe we'll start our own developer company and create an epic game for Linux/Windows all published by "RazeTheWorld Games™"

That's been my dream for the last two years. At the very least, RazeTheWorld Mods. I would gladly work for free until the company got on its feet.

Deus Qain said:

Maybe we'll start our own developer company and create an epic game for Linux/Windows all published by "RazeTheWorld Games™"

Das ist alles.

OMG this is my wish if it happens, id be gladly work for free until it forms up if by the time i got graduated.

It would be a nice world. I recently introduced my grandmother to Ubuntu since she just does the common the things that most consumers do; email, web, facebook, photos. It took her a little time to adjust, but she is very satisfied with how easy it is to use. Of coarse going beyond what she's doing right now would become a nuisance to her, but that's not the point. My point is that if Linux went mainstream, a few different distributions would come out on top, all of which appeal to a different consumer.

I just... Find this funny and "related"


GreenSLi said:

I just... Find this funny and "related"

ahahahaha this is how my face looked when i saw this image xD it just made my day.