What I Want In Fallout 4

A bigger and more open world

Set in an entirely new area (I heard rumors suggesting it was Boston)

More guns

More melee weapons

A better melee combat system

Setting up a caravan or any business of your choosing

Better AI

More monsters and people

More weird moments

Less annoying characters (I am talking about you, Moria, Sticky, Moriarty, etc.)

The return of Dogmeat

The return of the Punch Gun from Fallout 2

More crafting tables and reloading benches available (they were VERY scarce in New Vegas and 3)

Hunger and thirst system

I am probably asking too much for Bethesda... but make it A LOT less buggy...


So yeah, what do you want in Fallout 4?


I hope that it's made in a new engine, because New Vegas looked downright awful.

I'd be happy if they just upgraded the engine like TES did with Skyrim, more specificly, fluid character movement in third person. Seriously walking at an angle just looks ridiculous. 

They are probably gonna use the Skyrim engine, or Creation engine as it's called.

As for what i want, i don't really know. I enjoyed New Vegas more than Fallout 3. Probably beacuse you had more options in terms of factions and endings.  

But a better combat system in general, i'm not a melee guy but it overall felt kinda stiff in F3 and NV.

More lore, backstory and fun side quests. Come Fly With Me was probably the best side quest, aswell as the one when you go into the vault that forced the inhabitants to sacrifice a person each year, I just love peicing together the story as you find terminal logs and clues in the enviroment.

More wacky and goofy stuff, it would be fun to see a return of the Wacky Wasteland perk. The bedazzled Pipboy was hilarious and the Indiana Jones in the fridge refrence was awesome aswell.

More guns, because why the hell not.

A return of the hardcore difficulty, but with hunger as a factor aswell.

A non-buggy launch would be nice, but think that's to much to ask from Bethesda. I laughed my ass of when Doc Mithcell's head started spinning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToKIkw3LIoQ


Seriously, I hope there is a new melee system. I actually like beating the fuck out of things you know :P

I want more Enclave!

  1. A better movement modeling. Characters feel robot like...smoother animation..skyrim is not smooth but better than current engine.

  2. Character body customization. more detailed Armor. Separate armor pieces..arm, leg, feet etc.


  3. More Character linking story...you feel like you are the character your are making decisions for.


  4. Detailed character customization..more than facial and wight customization.


  5. Combat engine overall!! Hide being barricade..peak to shoot! all that good stoof


  6. Advanced AI!..not just that they deal more damage the higher the difficulty. Smarter!


  7. Overtime character progression..character changes due to foods you eat, Radiation you suffer, and Damage you take and recover from leave scaring.

Any of this sound good to you guys?

m0ar m0dz p10x 


I want more customization, so I can look like Mad Max, and maybe an area out in the ocean with survivers that look like they are from "Water World". Maybe seprate endings/paths, for example: one makes you king of the water people another makes you a rich trader that rules with a monopoly on guns.

Well, I would also like a better melee system. Using the Blade of the West was the most fun I had with the dlc. I also would like a more reactive world like New Vegas. Obsidian sure can make better quests than Bethesda. Bethesda can make good rpg but Obsidian just does RPG's better. And I would also like more interesting gear like the NCR Ranger armor was a cool looking armor along side the ever famous Power Armor.

1. Let Obsidian write the story.

2. More real, lifelike and interesting characters.

If everything else was the same as Fallout 3 (Graphics included) I would still be a very happy chap.

I'm probably alone here in saying that I hope Bethesda does not try to emulate Obsidian. My first experience of Fallout was Fallout 3, which I put hundreds of hours into. When I moved on to New Vegas, I found the batshit insanity and nonsensicality of the setting and characters to be immersion breaking. I also found the dramatic dissonance in the tone of the plot to be quite jarring, and some sections of the game seemed to me to be in poor taste as a result.

More bastards to shoot. I mean at level 50 theres nothing to shoot at. It's nearly imposible to find any death claws, scorpions or ghuls ect. Moar/often creatures spawning.

Biger world

(option of) Non scaling level system. So when caracter ends up in wrong side of a town gets its ass kicked. Than it needs to level up a bit and that it can enter that part of map.

More levels

perks/skils/traits having bigger impact

Gravity and wind having efect on a bullet trajectory(least for rifles). No need for realitiy searching but point and click is a bit too easy.

most weapons avaliable from biginning.

NPC/buldings aperaring further


A return of the hardcore difficulty, but with hunger as a factor aswell.

A better movement modeling. Characters feel robot like...smoother animation..skyrim is not smooth but better than current engine.

More Character linking story...you feel like you are the character your are making decisions for.

Combat engine overall!! Hide being barricade..peak to shoot! all that good stoof

Advanced AI!..not just that they deal more damage the higher the difficulty. Smarter.

Overtime character progression..character changes due to foods you eat, Radiation you suffer, and Damage you take and recover from leave scaring


...yeah, yeah I know, that wont happen. If it's less bugy with graphic similar to skyrim and otherwise simular to NV/3 I'll be happy.

I personally think that adding more weapons is asking for it to become more of a shooter/fighter, and less of an rpg

that said here is my wishlist

1: realistic characters, the likeness of the characters of megaton and rivet city, i personally found the characters from new vegas to be less than believeable than the fallout 3 ones.

2: more detailed enviroments, or at least keep the detail level of fallout 3 in your areas

3: better DLC, as at least 2 of the dlcs of f3 werent quite fitting to the fallout style

4: Harsher wasteland, more along the lines of fallout 3 with wanderers edition

5: A meaningful storyline, not a story along the lines of a basic "pick a faction", make it important to the survival of the wastes, or the destruction of the wastes.

6: Don't focus on the BoS

7: more detailed enemy factions, the raiders in fallout 3 fell short of having a real reason to be raiders, which is one thing almost no game seems to put meaning to.

8: more unique areas, that really leave an impression of the struggle to survive that happens in fallout.

9: dont have living trees, just dont, it breaks the style.

10: have a finite limit on number of companions you can have at once, and have a more in depth quest to get them to be your companions. having too many companions makes the game much less enjoyable.

also the ui needs major improvements