Currently building a New gaming PC on the cheap using some parts from eBay(uk) . I've seen AMD FX4130 and AMD FX4100 on ebay . Both only come with the CPU NOTHING else .I know I need a heat fan/sink not sure want ones are good and compatible, looking for one that is rather cheap (under £20 can be used not bothered) .Is there anything else i need to consider and also are all motherboards compatible with all heat fan/sinks
* please note,I'm not going to overclock *
Seen the AMD Athlon X4 760K Quad Core 3.8GHz with a stock fan fore sale .
It £27 pound more then one of the cpu's above and a fan what would be the smarter thing to do ?
If you want a simple answer any fan that is AM3 compatiable will do. For $20 your not going to get anything great, so don't worry about it. Just stick with the good brands (Coolermaster, Thermaltake, ect)
But I have to ask, what is your budget? Cause if anything more than the change in your couch you can do WAY better.
Asrock have cheap but descent motherboards, try to check for their 970 based chipsets, That will work on FX-4xxx series. For cooling, Coolermaster Hyper212 Evo is still one of the cheap yet effective option out there. Or get some used stock cooler for fx-4xxx, most users who buy aftermarket cooler sell their stock ones.
This is the unit that katsune refers to and it's been copied 10,000 times and is really good air cooling heatsink