Let's say that in a few months, the FCC says: OK, we're reclassifying ISPs under Title 2. It's happening, and we're going to exercise forbearance on a lot of the rules that don't make sense for ISPs. Yay for net neutrality!
Ok, now that's done, and Google tries to make good on their recent promise to increase their rollout of fiber using the poles and pipes that are now open to them under Title 2. I'll bet my bottom dollar that Verizon, ATT, Time Warner/Comcast, the whole bunch, will have their lawyers on that so fast, we'll be right back to to lawsuits, this time over how Google can't use Comcast's pipes because of some little law or previous court precedent. And it won't be limited to common use of pipes and poles. It's be everything. We'll be looking at another series of legal battles like we've been having for the past year or two.
So: What do you think? My goal with this post is to not so much to inform as to start a discussion; I'm sure others have had this same thought. Logan and Wendell know more of the facts, I'm sure there are some details that could flesh this out and give us a clearer picture of the future.
The future...