What happened to the dual xeon's?

So there is a build video from tek syndicate that featured 2 xeon e52630's and i've managed to source 2 of these together for $500 and the same asus z9pew8 motherboard for £300. I'm quite exited about this build as I've been kinda living on the dark side with apple for a year now and it's just BAD but my pc crapped out on me on the middle of a big project and my parents bought a mac for me (facepalm) (don't worry, i'm not a rich kid or anything, i don't know why my parents did this for me, it was completely out of the blue, my dad had just been diagnosed with a degenerative heart condition and i think he was feeling very aware of his own mortality and decided to be generous or something... anyway, this is just a tangent)

So salvaging the parts that weren't completely fried when my psu blew up I'm looking to spend about £1200 (that's about $1500 for all you people in the land of freedom who are being watched just slightly less than i am in my country) for a dual xeon build that will help me with video editing. I was just curious to see what happened to the one that logan built, did you get rid of it for any specific reason or do you still use it?

I'm also building my own case for this, i think it'll look pretty cool, I've already made the base out of this really lovely bit of wragly edged wood which you can't see from the sketchup model but i'll post pictures as i go along if anyone would be interested in that? o maybe a video? we'll see if i have the time to put something together for you guys to see, i guess it all depends on how interested you guys are.

It doesn't look so good in the model, I cant be bothered to get together the right textures and a lot of it will be by eye when everything is in front of me so don't tell me that things aren't precisely in the right place, i'll build it differently anyway and just role with it. This model was just to see if everything will fit.

If you're interested in the specs then i'll have:
2x xeon e52630's
2x corsair h75's
asus x9pew8
evga 750wg2
1tb hdd
240 sdd (will also get another ssd on pcie in the future - I'm not made of money and i have to save for stuff)
32gb patriot viper 3 ram

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What were they going to do with such a Powerful system?

I recommend enermax, they are quite high quality - a good find i think. 1kW plat or something

At this point and time, you might get both NV and AMD gpu if you're going with windows 10.
then you will be able to utilize both CUDA and NV optimized stuff, and opencl optimized software on AMD GPU.

depending on your budget
If low get used 780Ti and non-ref 290x
If plenty cash get 980Ti and Fury/X

Get as much as you can depending on your budget [ddr3 1600 with lowest timings you can find]

Get something fast, i recommend mushkin's 2-4x240GB in raid-0 for work
and 4TB normal hdd for storage.

cpu cooling
i recommend going with h80 or enermax equivalent.

I am part of the media team at my local church (don't worry I'm very liberal and won't try to brainwash you or anything, i just like creating videos and i the church is what gave me access to the things that made that possible for me before i had a chance to get my own equipment.) the weekly stuff doesn't require this much power but when you're doing special projects like lyric videos in after effects then working with my sluggish mac mini drives me insane.

If this is going to be put in a church or bedroom or something, I'd be worried about dust. Put a shroud around that glass...
Also, something for the IO shield to mount on'd be nice, wiggly IO can suck.

Sorry, you most likely wrote all that out before i had a chance to edit my post and include the specs. Have a look at the updated post and you'll see what i'm planning on doing and i'm open to any advice you might have

that is true, but my advice stands as is. Especially psu.

It'll be in my room, Don't worry i dust regularly so this won't be a problem. I've been toying with the IO idea but i think that's something i'll have to have a look at when i get everything in front of me to see how it looks exactly.

What the fuck are exons?

I do genuinely have learning difficulties... oh man i look so dumb, i'll just fix that XD

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Haha that's okay man, I used to make that mistake. :)

Damn! I love that case design! Great!!

Xeon CPU's are an intel line of server and workstation grade chip that usually have higher cache than the i3, i5 and i7 series chips and have support for error correction certified RAM. These CPUs sometimes have higher core counts to execute more calculations per second than the i3,i5,i7 series chips.

You could probably just get away with a 5820k

I know what a Xeon is. I work in a datacenter.

I know, that was my original plan but i managed to find the processors pretty cheap from a server room overhaul and i figured that it'll cost around the same to do this and i'll have twice the cores, which for multilayered workflows in aftereffects and video rendering in specific is going to be the best option.