I had been watching the A399U at $489 for months, finally get my big Christmas check to go and get it. Nope sold out, and then just like that, everything Wendal has reviewed has bumped up in price too. Everything.
Closest thing I can find now is this for nearly $80 bucks more: Link
Any advice? I really want to get one of these things asap.
I bet since Wendells and others recent reviews and all the new fame they have gained they're bumping up the price for market gain??, I hope im completely wrong and its for a new monitor but I can only guess.
I keep hesitating on this purchase, and the prices keep going up.
Now that A409 at Amazon is sold out.
I was looking at the Wasabi Mango because Freesync. Now the cheapest is $699 shipped.
Wonder if the prices will go down eventually (because of panel shortages or some other reason), or they have finally realized the market value of these monitors and will keep driving up costs...
I didn't know holding off on a purchase could price you out of doing it at all...x___X What the hell, everything on the page has either gone up or gone out of stock in the last couple days.