What GPU would fit best?

Hi im thinking about getting a new GPU but don't know which one would fit best with my system.

mobo: ASUS P8 Z77-M
CPU: i5-3570
Powersuply: Thermaltake W0355 600w

and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 which im thinking of replacing.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Gaming PC.

Budget? Monitor res?
I don't suggest going over something like a 390 or 980gtx with those parts.

Also get a decent cpu cooler and overclock that puppy, if its a K variant that is.

I wouldnt get anything too extreme with that psu.
Yeah and budget is kinda necessary too.

rez at 1920 x 1080
budget $200-$250ish
also living in VERY hot climate don't feel comfortable overclocking.

The very best price/performance card you'll get at that pricepoint is an R9 290 right now. It plays in the same ballpark as a gtx 970 but you can get it, with a good cooler, at 260$ currently. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131668&cm_re=R9_290-_-14-131-668-_-Product

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Alas im in australia and it's out of stock and what i found is overpriced, thanks tho.

what about this one http://www.newegg.com/global/au/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125793
and if this one is no good could you please explain what.

Oh, sorry. I saw $ and immediately assumed that we're talking about US prices. The R9 380 would be a very solid upgrade for you, it also uses quite a bit less power than the R9 290 if you really are concerned about temps or maybe your PSU. It usually outperforms the 960 or trades blows with it. That said, here is a 280x http://www.newegg.com/global/au/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202137&cm_re=R9_280-_-14-202-137-_-Product which usually outperforms both of those cards with an extremely nice cooler on it. It's also a bit cheaper, go for that if you can afford it or an R9 280 if the price needs to be lower.

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Dont worry aussie here as well so I feel your price anguish. It sucks arse.
Was the 200-250 in USD? Cause that 380 is $300 AUD...
Anyways <=$250 AUD wont buy much in terms of a 'new' high performance gpu, around the $270 mark you'd be looking at a gtx960... My advice is to hunt around forums like OCAU (great aussie community), Gumtree or eBay for something like a 280x or the like, even 290's are still going for cheap (on OCAU anyways ~ around $220 or so).
Retailers to check out - PCCG, MSY, Mwave, PLE, Centrecom, ShoppingExpress.

Thank you all for your help guys. Hopefully i will have a better GPU soon :)

380 (maybe X) or 960. Windforce is always good, for AMD Sapphire is doing a great job.