What Gpu to get? New to the computer world =)

Hi i have a old Dell OPTIPLEX 745 and i would like to get a new and faster gpu. Im thinking in spend a max of 200.00 on gpu and i have no idea if i will need a new power supply. I already manage to update the memory to 8gb make it faster but my old gpu is killing the vibe hehe. Could you guys give me ideas i play some games like world of tanks, command and conquer, day of defeat, counter strike and i use a program called platinum notes to convert my mp3's to a better level and use mixed in key to find key in my songs!!!

Well the optiplex will make it hard for any builder to add to being its Designed from the Ground up to be for office use. Witch Tower Do you use


I've heard the 750ti is pretty good only $149.99 and most models don't require a 6 pin power, if you're under 1080p the R7 250 is a good choice also at around $80-$90, if you can fit a R9 270/270x and have two 6 pin power cables on at least a 500w psu go with the R9 270 or R9 270x if it will fit, its also around $170-$200.

I hope this answers your question...

Wow, that thing is positively ancient (and low spec), what exact version do you have (small and thin with a pentium 4 or the regular small pc with a core2duo)? Could you post your specs?

Spending 200$ on a gpu would be pretty insane since your CPU would hold it back and youd need a new psu, you could probably put in a 750 or 750ti since those are very power efficient gpus that dont even require a power cable and still provide enough performance in 1080p for even more demanding games. The games you listed are quite old and pretty much run only on one core, if you also want to play more modern games you can probably plop in a q6600 from ebay or so.

a q6600 is still a q6600.it's old..if you really want to spend money on a gpu..i suggest upgrading your cpu first..that is if you haven't done it yet

If you are going to use that case you are going to be limited to a low profile single slot graphics card since the PCI-E slot is to the right of the I/O and the cooler of graphics cards extends to the right. This might be the most powerful card you can throw in there LINK

You might have to cut a portion of the drive cage off or simply have the Drive mounted in a way that it would be hanging or pushed out of the way enough to get the cooler to fit properly.

Here is a look inside the case of my Dell Optiplex 755

If you get a dremel and a pcie extender one can get creative and mount a non-low profile card in these old dells.

750ti is perfect - wont have any psu issues to deal with.

Some of the 280's are $200 and that would be the best you could get in that range IF you can get a capable psu.

Dell Optiplex GX620/745

Intel Pentium D


8GB Memory    


i did not know that i can upgrade de cpu too if its gonna make it faster i would love to do it hehe and the tower is the regular size its not the small one.