I bought a Toshiba Satellite E55-A5114 laptop a few months ago. The specs say it has an integrated Intel HD Graphics 4400 graphics chip. My question is what games, if any, would I be able to play on this?
I am not trying to play Crysis or Skyrim or anything like that. Basically just retro games like Diablo 2, Doom, Tomb Raider, Quake, etc. I would love to be able to play newer games like Diablo 3 as well but dont think that graphics chip could handle them. I am thinking I can play the older games but not the newer ones. The only one I have tried so far is Diablo 2 and when I was playing it it would stutter every now and then and just seemed sluggish at times. I was playing it from a CD via a portable USB 2 DVD/CD drive plugged into one of the USB 3 ports and I'm thinking that could be the cause of the stutter but I'm not sure.
Any input would be greatly appreciated!