What games are the Tek Syndicate community playing? SC2? League? DOTA? Leave a comment and see what the dominent game is!
I've been playing a lot of Starcraft 2 lately, and been getting curb stomped as usual.
I played a while back, gonna try to get back into it
I play on my private Minecraft server, Killing Floor, and most recently, Saints Row The Third (soon, the Fourth).
I don't game much.
Good luck, it won't be easy, due to the changes they made in HOTS, the game is a lot more fast paced, I have a respectable APM of about 75, and I still get outmicroed drastically.
I'm in the middle of Darksiders right now. I'll probably hit the second one afterwards, but I have a huge back log of games to get to that I don't know which to go to next!
Yeah I got alot of games from the steam summer sale that Im still working through. Tomb Raider is on the top of the list right now
Currently, just a lot of League, and sometimes I'll play Left 4 Dead 1 and 2. Sometimes I'll play Killing Floor with friends if they're on.
I play a lot of cs to keep my FPS skills up
I have mostly been playing Minecraft and Skyrim. I'm waiting on BF3's fat ass to finish downloading. Only 66 hours left. I bought the Humble Origin Bundle, so I'll probably start downloading those games sometime next week when I get access to my college's Internet connection.
i've been playing waaaay too much cs:go this past week
kindof like to play bf3, but it'd downloading and each time i check the progress i'm handed 2 numbers picked out of a hat
Currently playing Hitman Absolution. Not a bad game, but not really gripping either. Probably 3/4 way through the game, not sure if I'm interested enough to carry on playing.
I'm about half way through The Witcher, been really enjoying it. Plus the other day I picked up Super House of Dead Ninjas and have been completely obsessed. After that I plan to get back into Skyrim to play Falskaar. Then hopefully I'll be able to convince my friends to pick up Payday 2.
Battlefield 3 all day, every day on PS3 (dont judge me). Totally pumped for battlefield 4.
I've been playing a lot of Kerbal Space Program and TF2 recently.
SimCity 4.
Iv been playing Garrys Mod, Minecraft, APB-R, and World of Tanks. I find that games like that which are free or sub 20 dollars seem to keep m occupied longer... I have a philosophy that games which cost 30+ dollars and just hype and advertising. I have bought Simcity (new one) and that lasted me my march break... I have been playing Minecraft since 1.2 beta... I purchased Civ 5 when it was on sale at steam for 12 dollars and I still couldent enjoy it... I just cant get into all these expensive games. I played WoW on my previous summer breaks and enjoyed it however since Mists of Pandaria I cant enjoy it anymore (the talant trees nerfing makes every character of the same spec now equal!)
skyrim with the falskaar mod jesus christ its amazing
Battlefield 3 took me some time to get use to, but once I put about 25 hours into it, I grew to love it (the multiplayer portion at least). I wasn't too fond of the heavily scripted single player. PC and console combined, I have put around 800 hours in the game, and I still haven't grown tired of it.
War thunder. Impressively good looking game, especially considering it's 'free'. And still not pay to win, which most F2P games turn into a couple of month after launch.