What game should I buy? Updated

EDIT: There is a new poll on the bottom of the thread...
So Halloween is in a few days and the prices of games are going down. The beauty of PC gaming. Sales and deals on different storefronts.
So I will eventually buy all of those, but for now I can afford only one...

  • The Guild Of Dungeoneering
  • Torchlight 1
  • Torchlight 2
  • Cities Skylines
  • Hand Of Fate


Hm... There could be other interesting games on sale, but I am split enough anyway...

None of those you listed.

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What would you recommend then?
No horror please. Otherwise I don't really mind any genre or anything...
Price wise - 6-7-8 $€...

Well name some games you have that you enjoy, so people can suggest ones which fall in-line with your tastes.

Well, Skyrim, Aragami, Prison Architect, Dark Souls, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Startopia, Disciples 2, Downwell, Banished...
I had the poll with those 5 titles, cause they are the ones in my wishlist, that are on sale...

Skylines seems really interesting even though I have never played it. I might try that if you like managing things.

buy Red-Alert 3 and you can play against me.

Skylines for sure, you get hooked immediately. And there's always the chance you get so good at it you can become a real mayor like that guy last year did

I will just say, that i like how my main choice have not been voted yet.
Anyways, i will keep this poll up for a couple more days, and buy the winner in the last moment.
Keep voting :)
Still accepting recommendations.

Wish I could help but I don't recognize any of them except Cities akyline

There i go... Thank you :)

OK. In order not to open a new thread, I am going to just update this one...
The contestants this time around are:

  • One finger death punch
  • Defense Grid: The Awakening
  • Mark Of The Ninja
  • Unholy Heights
  • Mini Metro
  • Banished
  • Ironcast
  • Hand Of Fate
  • Dragon's Dogma


Choose up to 4 options

All those are on sale and I want them all, but as someone once said: "You can't always get what you want"... So I'll get part of what I want...