What game have you put the most time into? How many hours?

4000+ hours on Runescape. Yup...

Fallout 3 thousands of hours that game payed for itself a 100 fold with all the time i put in to it on the pc and xbox.

Skyrim 100+ hours, Bf3 with ps3 and pc combined around 340 hours. Fallout new vegas combined with pc adn ps3 about 120 hours. With Cod on ps3 probably around 1,500+ hours. Thats including Black ops 1 and 2, Mw2, Mw1, Mw3 and Waw.

Master of Orion 2 100h+ ? I dont know - there was no counter back then.

MS-Flight Simulator back in the nineties, I must have played that for at least 500 hours over the years. There are very few other games that I don't get bored with after a few hours max. In a good week, I might play an hour of games, certainly not more, most weeks much less. Most often, when a new game comes out that I have high hopes for, I clear a Sunday morning or so to be able to play it, but then I get bored after an hour (sometimes even less), and do something else instead.

Even if I have a LAN party, which is at least one Friday night a month, I don't game that much, I make a map for every party and set up the servers and network, and keep everyone satisfied with music and food and drinks and cool air and liquid coolant and refreshing towels when their hands get sweaty, but I'm not really a asset in games, I get bored so quickly that I start doing stupid stuff and hacking. Making maps for games and scripting/configuring and cooking and catering, amuses me much more than actually playing the games.

you're not the only one

World of warcraft more then 5000 hours. And the scary part is i stopped playing about to years ago. Next on the list would be diablo 2, and i have no clue how many hours i put into it,

Around 300 hrs for TF2, 250 hrs on BL2 (360 and PC), 100+ on Skyrim

2000+ hours in first age of wonders. 1500 hrs in runes cape. 500 hrs battle for middle earth 2. 500+ hrs in both morrowind oblivion and skyrim. Hundreds of hrs in civ 4 and 5.

Civilization 4, I've seen the rise and fall of human civilization over 1000 times... you do the math ;-p

128 hours in CSS and 112 hours in TF2

I've probably sunk more hours in pokemon games on the gameboy, but I have 63 days played on Mw2 which is over 1500 hours. 

Easily over 1000 hours on soldier front 1. Its old, so it doesn't record the hours played

3000 hours


I haven't even gotten to 4th gen bro

I would guess Daggerfall or Morrowind... Or maybe Fallout 2.

Fallout 3: 2,000hrs.+

Battlefield 3: 1,473hrs.

All the Super Mario games: 1,000+

Minecraft with probably over 1,000 hours by now