What education does you and your staff have?

degrees and such

I have an honours degree in computer science, completed in 1991. Now it's experience that keeps me in work, at my age qualifications are not worth jack shit.  However, these days you don't get through the door with less. My colleagues have similar or better qualifications. Personally, I believe that too many people are rejected because of an over reliance on exams passed. I saw really capable people pushed off the course, because they weren’t exam people.

My father was a really good engineer who worked his way up from a poor education. He'd left school at 14. However, he built up a  practical knowledge was second to none and went on to run his section.  When the company was bought out, the new management employed graduate to replace him. He was given a months notice and told to instruct the new comer while he worked this out. Not surprisingly he decided to be as unhelpful as possible.  After he left, things rapidly fell apart.