What does everyone think?

What does everyone think about the new iPhone 5's? Personally I think that other than the processor, nothing much really changed or got better, I mean I kinda like the fingerprint scanner but its not that exciting. What's everyone elses opinion?

Whats there to think? Its a new iPhone with a few extra features, I'm not saying you do, but a lot of people seem to think that Apple is making revolutionary products every year.

Honestly it seems they've ran out of things to say, normally they manage to spout a bunch of crap that makes people think it's a good phone, but this year... They only really mentioned the fingerprint scanner, IOS7, the chip... and colours... for "colourful people". 

I mean c'mon the "cheap" iPhone is £350, which is just insane, I would 200% prefer a Nexus 4 to even the 5S, and that's £160 at the moment.

Also about the 64-bit thing, are there even any real-life benefits to it, other than more than 4GB of RAM? Also I'd be surprised if Apple had 4GB of RAM in any of their phones any time soon.

Sorry for this being such a biased comment, but, well it is, I have recently come over with a serious case of hating Apple. This morning I saw someone saying they really needed to get more money, so they could buy the 5C... I (politely) asked them why they wanted to buy it and they said it's because they love iPhones, so I asked her what she liked about the new one, and she replied "you can scan your finger on it!". So basically in her mind she's going to spend £350 on a fingerprint scanner (she already had 4/S).

Thread is already here. Closing this one.