What Do You Use?

Simply put, what kind of phones do you guys have? Running any custom ROMs/ kernels? Favorite apps and stuff like that? 

I have a 2013 Moto X. I don't really do anything fancy with it. I use it mostly for utility, calls, texts, emails, occasional forum browsing, music. 

I do use NovaLauncher to make things less busy and simplistic. 

HTC One M8 I haven't looked into custom roms yet but I know they're difficult to install on my phone because of Verizon.

HTC One M7 with stock ROM because finding Verizon compatible ROMs is a bit of a pain

I dont have anything fancy just a lg optimas fuel I think. I havnt looked into any ROMs because I don't know if you can do that with track home plus I hear its hard. Other than don't use it for anything special. The only game that I have on it is namcos official galaga remake because I am using to make my own remake to hopefully start out my game creation adventure. 

I use a stock moto g 2013, it really is the perfect phone for me, I get 2 days out of one charge with light use.

before that I had an ANCIENT 2009 Droid X, the damn thing wouldn't even run flappy bird xD

Nexus 5 running sailfish and rooted android.

OnePlus One 64GB bone stock. After going from several iPhone 4s and 4Ss over the past 4 years (had an HTC One X for like a month but it sucked asshole) anything was a huge upgrade for me (kinda ironic because the OPO is arguably one of the best phones available). My iPhones were too slow to get any value from any extra features beyond Twitter, SMS, calling, and the occasional Google search. Pretty much it was more of a pain in the ass to check the weather on one that to just watch the weather channel every morning. Kinda defeated the purpose of having a smartphone. Not to mention the bad battery life, tiny screen, etc. 

My OPO is really fast, and I have done pretty much zero tweaking to it. I charge it every night, but I could easily make it two days on one charge even with wifi, brightness all the way up, location services on, etc. I keep all of that on for convenience. I just have two panels with a weather widget, clock, and apps like my music player, soundcloud, ebay, paypal, my bank app, chrome, messaging, maps, snapchat, instagram, twitter, etc. you get it.

I also play around with the camera a little since it is pretty nice.

EDIT: I didn't realize how long this post was while typing it. The Internet is the biggest time wasting tool in the world.

Verizon LG G2 with cyanogenmod 11 4.4.4.

Sony Z1, unlocked, running ZKai 4.7 ROM, with trinity kernel 4.4.4 v3.0


Htc one m8 running stock htc skin until I root it and install cyanogenmod or the google play m8 software so I can get vanilla android 5.0 :D advantages of having a m8 

LG G3 with Android Now HD 8.0 Lollipop rom (D855 2gb variant)

Galaxy S3 with cyanogenmod. I use it for the internet and as a phone and thats it. Basic phone calls, texts and photos.

Verizon Moto X gen 2.  Got it in black with red accents and walnut back.  Aside from losing my tether option from my Galaxy Nexus I like the phone.  

Motorola Moto G XT1034 16 GB unlocked running LiquidSmooth

HTC ONE M7 with ARHD.  Quite a nice pairing actually. Enjoy it very much. 

Tmobile Galaxy s4 with google play edition android 5.0 Lolipop AND google play edition android 4.4.4

Sony ST15i, running Cyanogenmod 9 (couldn't get 10 to work).  It mostly just gets used as a phone and media player.  Basic web stuff, sports score apps, the occasional games and gps when I'm going somewhere new...  but all in all I'm not really a heavy mobile user.

HTC One M8 running SlimKat 4.4.4.

Sailfish is the OS Jolla made, right? How is it?  Can it run android apps?  Does it do anything special?