What do You Use Your Hardware For?

In the latest episode of The Tek, I asked a question: "What do you use your hardware for?" Here is a list of what I do with mine:

  • Editing Videos
  • Web Design
  • Gaming
  • Writing Screenplays
  • Audio Editing and Composition
  • Listening to Metal with Foobar2000

There is no need to mention the basics... like "surfing the web"... So, what do you use your hardware for?

I am a gamer, a customiser, and an archivist......

I also use it for communications, auctions, and research.

Video Editing


Graphic Design


Web Design

Software development (just shit that I make to add to my Admin Chest to make pc repair easier :P)

BIOS mods for OEM systems

Writting my book

Operating System Kernel Modifications

Gaming, video editing, tinkering and adding to it...always learn something. I use it to watch movies, listen to music. But mostly just gaming.

just gaming,music,movies,surfing here 

Gaming, websurfing, school, basic video editting, music and chat. My rig is kinda overkill for such basic tasks, but I keep telling myself: "Life is too short for slow computers". I'm also a guy who is too poor to buy cheap stuff, so for me having an expensive rig that will last long is better then having a decent rig that needs upgrades every once in a while.

Gaming, web surfing, coding, rendering, light video editing, music.. that's about it.


Basic Digital Media Work

Folding@Home (I like to put my hardware to good use)


Music Recording and production

Light video editing and production

also use folding@home whenever I'm afk

Content Creation: Video Editing, Photo Editing, Cinema 4D, attempts at Website, Software, and App Development.


Along with lots of content consumption.

Most of my hardware is focused on HTPC builds around the house. With one gaming rig and a server for streaming.



Plenty of word processing

BBC iplayer

Lots of research.

Gaming, Video editing.

  • Programming
  • Gaming
  • Programming Games
  • Occasional Video editing
  • Photoshop, as a Hobby


Coding, Music Production, Video Editing, Visual Effects, Web Design, Gaming, Writing.

  • Gaming
  • Photo Editing
  • Communication
  • Basic Browsing


Pretty much gaming and benchmarks.

I've been rendering, like, 8 youtube videos a day, lately, heh. I mostly play games and listen to music, too.

in order of most used to least used

facebook (business relations,  contact with friends as I don't have a phone)

wracking my brain on the internet for Game/plot insperation for the two projects I'm leading

Newegg product research (got to keep in check of the lowerst prices, the fastest products and the most reliable as well)

anime and manga, I enjoy each equally

listining to music

playing games


things I used to do non stop

folding at home

boinc distributed computing

and like everyone else with a dedicated GPU, bitcoin, but that was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away

Hehehehe, I have a complete other rig for folding@home and game server use...