What do you think?


i will post pictures when my 770 comes and is all installed.

what do you think my performance will be like?  

hoping  to put it all in a black fractal design r4 when im feeling rich or it goes on major sale 



Well first off if you had asked this question before you purchased the parts you could have saved some money and picked more trust worthy parts, I would have picked up the 8350 Better Price/Performance but the i5 is better in some games, Water Cooling is really not necessary when you are not overclocking. 16gb of Ram is Overkill for Gaming (which i assume you will be doing), I hear Toshiba makes really unreliable hard drives and you picked up a laptop drive which will be slower, The SSD is ok, Great Video Card, I would have gotten a Corsair or Seasonic power supply (not to say EVGA is bad just my opinion. It's a good build you just overspent in areas and made some questionable choices. I am sure the performance will be good but you could have saved lot's of money.

You should get the 2GB version unless your planning to run SLI

not sure what 1.65v ram is doing in an Intel system? If you, for whatever reason, wanted 2400 clocked ram, should have gone with Corsair Vengeance Pro (which is like $200 worth of ram, but it's the only thing I know for sure will run at 2400 clock on 1.5v

CPU/mobo excellent choices...

GPU looks good... hope you're planning on SLI with the 4GB model cause you won't get any extra performance out of a single 4GB model

PSU looks fine...

Everything looks ok cept the ram and maybe the HDD but I'm assuming you pulled the HDD out of another system

#1 i like intel and asus

#2 the Toshiba hdd only holds my games and i got it for a open box steal 

#3 i bought parts that where the best i could afford when i bought them

#4 i had a very odd budget because i went from working to not working and that affected what i bought and what i knew i could get away with for now and what needed to be the best right out of the gate  


the ram is fine if it acts up ill under-clock it  and your right i pulled the hdd out of a mobile enclosure and decided to throw it in my system  for the lulz

i plan on upgrading to sli next year possibly but after i get my desk built and get my four monitor setup bought

something like this with larger monitors on bottom and my existing monitor on top    

You spent a bit too much on RAM and would probably been better off with a few cuts here and there in order to get a GTX 780. Other than that though, it appears good; bar a few imbalances.