What do you think of this case?


personally, if it were $200 or less, i'd get it... but it's $250, so i'm not....

I like it, It's clean and slick lookings, plus I always enjoy when a company has the front IO cables in black. Lots of room, it will give you lots of options for upgrades / water cooling.

but, is it worth the $250??

idk, i think i'll stick with teh THOR, and add a red led to the rear IO.... but damn, that is one fine lookin case....

I actually don't think it's worth 250, I mean if you considering cases like the Corsair 800D that runs about 275 but if you catch on sale as low as 220. The Corsiar 800D is a better product all around and at a very similiar price point. I think you should stick with the THOR if it's about price too, even though I absolutely hate Neweegs house brand junk. I've gotten two PSU's from them that were DOA, that being said I've never actually worked with their cases.

the thor is $110..... and that's why i'm getting an xfx psu, 80 silver, semi-modular

maybe if it comes down in price.... i'd go for it in the $200 or less range, probably worth like $170 or so.... but it just came out....