What Do You Think of This Build?

i have been researching lots of things and eventually switched from getting an i5 or even an i7 to an 8350.

my goal that im going for is to build the classiest beast of a rig possible for the least money.

This does not mean budget build in any way, it is supposed to mean the best highest end products with the best price to performance ratio.

this is what i have so far http://pcpartpicker.com/p/JLBw

i might change a few parts up, GIVE ME YOUR OPINIONS!

Since you have a 7970 selected, I assume it's a gaming build, in which case 16 gb of RAM will not increase performance at all over 8gb. Also, what's with the massive power supply, why not just go with a cx750?

I think you can trim atleast $200 off your build. The power supply you selected is double what you need. Like anarmypig said a Corsair CX750 will be plenty for your system. Also the monitor... umm get a Samsung 24in manufact. referb for $160 or a used one for $120. Also if you wanted a new 21in monitor you could save a lot aswell. I believe with your savings you could get TWO graphics cards like some radeon 7870s which I think would be faster than a single 7970. Correct me if I'm wrong.. but I'm pretty sure.

Looks good, but wtf 1000w platinum? grab a 650 or 750w unless you wanna crossfire with that 1000w in the future.

I'm not sure if you are multi or single monitor gaming, if it's single monitor a 7870 ghz is really all you need imo. Min. fps is what really matters in benchmarks, for me at least. If it doesn't dip below the godly number 30, then you're all set. You pretty much lose price to perf. when you buy higher end stuff. That's the price you pay for ultimate performance I guess.


@anarmypig I was thinking that 16 gb RAM might be too much for gaming but then again what if i get 8 gb and then have to upgrade later, I heard that mixing RAM kits can be a huge headache even if they are the same model. With that in mind do you still think I should downgrade to 8 gb? The idea with this build is to somewhat future proof it and not have to go back and buy parts i should have bought in the first place and end up wasting money. The 1000 watt power supply is for crossfire eventually.

@Ghostbuster Firstly I should have mentioned that I want at least a 120Hz monitor for high FPS gaming. I have a 21 inch monitor right now and it doesn't feel like its big enough so i would say for my expectations that a 24 inch monitor is the minimum. That monitor i picked was all pcpartpicker gave me that fit the description of 24 inch 120-144Hz for the lowest price. If you could find a better deal on a high Hz monitor I would be appreciative. I like your idea of maybe switching to 7870 crossfire but that would end up being the same price as the 7970 and making it less future proof.

@Slimm I have not considered that maybe a 7870 might be enough, do you think it could run the latest games and utilize the high Hz monitor I am going for?