What do you think of my PC?



Keep in mind I already have all these parts, I'm only waiting on the case. Here it is: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1S9L5

I also have dual monitors, 21.5" and 19" both full HD I also have an external USB sound that I bought for like $10. I've been slowly upgrading my computer, started off with an Athlon II x4 630 and DDR3 1066mhz and onboard graphics, so I'm getting there. It's super fast right now and I can play BF3 on ultra with 35 frames on 64 man server with vehicles. My GPU is now limiting me, I'll be upgrading that soon as I can. Should I dual SLI the 560 ti? But that would require me to upgrade my PSU, and the 1GB VRAM would be limiting. I'll be playing BF4 when it comes out, I'll see how this card does before really deciding anything, thanks!


You could do better for the money, and I'm not a fan of that PSU. You should just grab a 7950 if those 560Ti's cost $250.

I have that motherboard, but I am going to upgrade to AM4 when it comes. And I agree with nregner that you could do better for the money, especially since you are going to run dual monitors you could need that.

Well, as I said...I already have my parts, I've been upgrading slowly. I bought the 560 Ti used for $100 in May. I most likely will but a 7950 sometime next year, just wondering what you all thought about my build now. 

sizzling athlon ii x3/10