Ive used caine, helix, backtrack and kali before on different occasions and each are ok but many have limitations.
backtrack is a great distro and can open many drives without any issues.
caine infinity works as a live distro or can run some forensics programs through windows.
helix was a good one but it went the way of the dinosaur because their latest versions you had to buy (and they were expensive).
finding a forensic os that does a lot more well I found one and and i like it a lot.
cyborg hawk from ztrella.
in the flavor of kali but so much more.
its not for the timid though! I wouldn’t say it noob friendly by any means but with a little care and learning you can do a lot with it.
great pen testing apps, escalation apps, net monitoring apps and more.
kind of a dark theme by default but easily changed
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