What do y'all think of this build?

I would be using it for gaming, studenty things, a bit of video rendering, and the obvious general web browsing. I am set on the FX-8350 so please don't try to shove benchmarks in my face and make me want Intel.

The SP120's would go on the radiator and the AF120's+ the stock radiator fans would just cool the entire case.

I know I've posted a similar build before and gotten feedback but I know new products have come out and I'm finally getting serious about saving funds for this


Depending on the price difference you might want to go with the 8370 lower wattage and (If I'm not mistaken) same performance. Also the GTX 960 comes out Q1 2015 (Yet again don't quote me) so if your saving might serve you well to wait a little bit. This coming from a person who bought the GTX 770 2 weeks before the GTX 970 came out...

Switched the PSU to a 750w 80+ gold that was the same price (Rosewill), looking around to get either a 290 or a GTX 9XX

Someone on Reddit suggested that the AM3+ socket would be replaced soon, is there evidence that this will happen?

From what I've heard the AM3+ socket is here until late 2015 early 2016 and is kind of dead at the moment with only incremental processors coming out (i.e 8370/E) and I've also head that the R9 390 is coming somewhat soon.

Got a recommendation on a GTX 970 or R9 290 model for $200-300?\


What about this?http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-video-card-r9280xdc2t3gd5

 OR http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gigabyte-video-card-gvr929wf34gd

 OR http://pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-video-card-912v308002

OR why shouldn't i get this:http://pcpartpicker.com/part/sapphire-video-card-112170420g for the same price as the GTX 760 and get more VRAM

Do you have a problem buying open box/refurbished?

Not at all, you have excited me, continue :D


It has an aftermarket cooler so it shouldn't be as hot as the reference 290s and for only $250 beats the $200 GTX 760.

So powercolor is a reputable brand? Is there any reason i shouldn't buy this cuz i don't see one

Awesome, revised the build :D any idea on ways to get Windows 8.1 cheaper? (outside of torrenting, i know i can do that)

I had a PowerColor 7790 that lasted 3 different builds and several different OCs so I trust them.

Change the corsair fans out to high pressure Noctua fans  on the radiator (Will be much quieter and more efficient)