What do they mean?

Hey, need a bit of help with this whole overclocking thing. Im using msi afterburner and I have no clue what to overclock. Do I overclock the core or the memory? And what do they both mean and do?

Im practicing overclocking on my GT640 4GB so if something happens like the graphics card would shortout or burn I have my New GTX 660.


Simple question? How does it all work and what do I play around with first?

You should start by just increasing the core and or the memory clock  a little bit and see if it is stable at that speed and you keep increasing until you see it's starts to be unstable and increase power limit, but also watch temps as you don't want to high temps, and remember that all cards are a little different so if you google to see results that others have gotten you might not be able to achieve the speed they did. when it comes to core and memory, the core is the proccessing unit in the GPU which processes the graphics, while the memory is where all the pixels are stored and retrieved from while gaming ( if I am wrong someone correct me).