I was browsing linux distros (As you do) and came accross kodachi linux.
I was wondering if anyone has tried it out before? It sounds like a fun thing to give a try but if any of you that may have tried it want to give your verdict I would love to hear about it.
Kinda looks like a less secure Qubes, but that’s just my first impression.
Probably an excellent platform to learn and explore the tools. Probably not the right platform to actually use the tools in practice.
Qubes felt very stripped down. I’m pretty sure it operates on the OpenBSD model of “anything we don’t install is one less thing to exploit” but Qubes is also not very user friendly and stoically resists attempts to make it so in the name of maintaining security boundaries. But this comes with many tools Qubes does not, so depending on the platforms you intent to use it might be the better option.
i think tails os is a much better comparsion than qubes since it seems like kodachi meant to be a portable os that you can plug into any computer and use(portable usb os) VS qubes which needs pretty specfic hardware to work properly and runs everything in a vm.
the better comparsion seems to be tails OS, from what i can see tails os is more user friendly and kodachi is less user friendly but has more features