What do i upgrade?

As of April 7 2015 1:08 am my PC Build is... PC PARTS LIST (disclaimer: i forgot what ram i have)

Recently it was my birthday and I came up on some extra cash. I'm willing to spend around 250 give or take. This is my first PC Build and its been just over a year and a few months, recently I have been having a lot of freezing or frame drops out of nowhere. When I first built it I was able to run everything smoothly. I play mostly CS, battlefield, just about most RPGs, some of the general triple A titles, looking very forward to be playing GTA, and I LOVE to mod, just kinda hard because my pc can't handle all of what I want to do, what can I say I like visually beautiful things. Any help would be appreciated! THANK YOU

Get a new graphics card or get another graphics card of the one you have and put it in SLI

Sell the 760 & get a r9 290 or gtx970. Plus a ssd if there is some spare cash.

If your budget and case can handle it, get the best graphics card you can. You didn't mention anything too CPU intensive, so the FX-6300 should last you a while. As a general rule of thumb, VRAM needed scales with the number and size of mods installed, so look for a card with a lot of memory and a lot of memory bandwidth.

I second the SSD. Going from a HDD to a Kingston HyperX 3K cut my W7 ultimate start up time from ~60-70s to ~8-10s.

Also, you did not specify how much RAM or what speed/timings you're running. Anything less than 8GB @1600MHz is weaksauce.

i second this.sell your current one off, grab the 970, wait and see how the 390x fairs, if its better then switch again.

Everything everyone has said here sounds like fair advice.

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I have 8 GB of memory. What would also be the best means of selling the graphics card? I've never sold a pc part before.

I have been thinking of the graphics cards update and this is what I have summed up thus far (any more recommendations would be great) ...

  1. Buy another gtx760

  2. Sell my gtx760 and buy two gtx960

  3. Sell my gtx760 and buy one gtx970

which would be the best route?

route 3, or wait few months and get it cheaper... still you'd need to sell your gpu now to get most for it.
(just list it on ebay or craiglist for lower price than current new price)

Option 3: single 970 all the way (or r9 290)

  1. SLI can sometimes have issues with certain games - meaning one may have to turn one gpu off for the game to run correctly until a driver fix is released.
  2. your motherboard doesnt support SLI anyway only crossfire
  3. one gpu - less heat, lower idle power consumption.

Just to ease my OCD. Here is the third vote for option 3.

(Not including Calculatron :P)

I agree. A single, powerful graphics card is the best option. I would probably go with AMD just because Radeon cards tend to be better supported for computational stuff.