What do guys think of Wolf-Pac and The Young Turks?

Fist of all have you heard of either, and if so what do you think about the goal of Wolf-Pac. It sounds like one of our best options in fixing the state of our government, if not the only option. If you havent heard of it, maybe check it out or TYT(the young turks) on youtube.

Wolf-Pac is a volunteer organization set up by Cenk (TYT main host) set up that is attempting to organize an amendment to the US constitution to get money out of politics.

It is my opinion that wolf pac can't work. Changing the constitution won't stop people from trying to bribe politicians. As long as politicians have power they can use to give someone an unfair advantage there will always be people trying to buy that power. It makes more sense to reduce the power of government, then it would be pointless to try and bribe someone with very little power.

Even if it can't work, we must do our best to get change. At least this is a step in the right direction. 

I find the Young Turks to be annoying.  Some times I want to just see a clip of something and I stumble on them and have to listen to their commentary on the matter which I do not care to listen to. 

Besides them being annoying I believe the young turks were a group in the early 1900's who orchestrated or were involved in a major way, the genocide of millions of Armenians, 

It's not just the political favours that people can buy. Financial backing often produces the best chance for candidates to get elected. More political advertisements, more time on TV. I would love to see the system change. I don't think Wolf-Pac can deliver. It's idealistic.

It would be nice to see political candidates receive the same fixed campaign budget. But as someone correctly pointed out, there's lots of stuff that they might do "off-the-books".

I watch some of their news clips or separate shows from time to time, and for what it's worth they're better than most in my opinion. To me their weak side would be often diving into silly stories which deserve no attention, but that's hardly unusual either I guess. (one doesn't have to watch anything after all) If I were a resident american I would definitely consider actively supporting wolf-pac.com, unless I had already given up on any change at all and settled for being a just another consumer rather than a citizen. The constitution is the last hope.