What distro for ARMHF?

What distro is everyone using for ARMHF based single board computers?

I have an older odroid-hc1 running the Samsung Exynos something and a distro called “armbian” based off Debian Jessie.

What made it unique was boot is on the SD card and root is on the SATA drive.

Jessie is retired upstream so I’m looking to modernize.

You could try archlinux on arm. I’m using it on an aarch64 board and its been good.
Arch is a rolling release so you’ll not have to worry so much about it being discontinued and packages are always up to date and modern. It even has a rootfs ready for you to put your odriod-hc1.


Running Manjaro on my ARM-powered Pinebook. It’s a fairly new project for the folks over at Manjaro and has pretty solid support.

I just looked at the Armbian page for that board and they have Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (18.04) builds:


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? I haven’t personally messed around much outside of Ubuntu/Debian, but as mentioned above, Arch based distros as well as Fedora based distros are available. If you want Debian but something different then Kali or Sparky Linux are other options. You can sort distros by architecture on Distrowatch, but most of the ones I haven’t mentioned are for specific use cases like gaming/HTPC or standalone server/appliance uses. It’s still worth a look if you want to distro hop.

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On Odroid HC1, I’m still using ARMBIAN 5.73 stable Debian GNU / Linux 9 (stretch) 4.14.94-odroidx4

So on SBC I recommend Armbian…