What case should i get

So its pretty self explanatory im getting a case upgrade what should i get.

Here is what im thinking: 

Luxe: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/phanteks-case-phes614lbk

750D: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-case-750d

780T: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-case-cc9011063ww

Now i'm open to suggestions but while i appreciate that the R4 and R5 are phenomanal case's i just cant stand the look of them i don't know why and i'll probably get hate but thats just my opinion :P

Thanks for reading

Get the Phanteks, man, its a top notch case you can put whatever you want in it and if you plan on water cooling there isn't anything better.

(I own the Enthoo Pro which has the same frame as the Luxe)

i really am swaying towards the luxe do you have any pics would be nice to see a build in the same frame

The luxe is a fantastic case choose the luxe hands down.


i think i will

But the r4 is beautiful...


Yeah but the luxe is gorgeous and gets better temps than the r4/r5. Also while fractal design cases are built really well they just can't beat the overall build quality of the luxe.



Friend did a build in a 750D, heres what it looks like.

What GPU's are those?

4 980s

Jesus that's a little OP don't you think?

It was some sort of project he was doing with a friend.  He didn't give me too many specifics on the hows and whys, but in the end it's his for about $1k.

Full specs here: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/p496P6

Cm Storm Stryker.

Very nice clean build thanks for the image

Nice case havent considered it, might have a look but i think i may have made my mind up

Thanks for all the feedback its been really helpful 

Its hard to go wrong with an air 540. It's so easy to build in and has great airflow and room for rads and rads and more rads. Not to mention how clean it can look with some time.

Get the Enthoo Luxe, GET IT!

i think i am tbf anyone got any pics of a build in it or in a pro

Nice suggestion would consider for another build maybe