What can i scavenge?

I am building a new pc and I'm looking for any way to save money but not cut on quality. 

This is my build so far:



But my Dad has a office with computers and stuff and he has five or six old computers that over heated and stuff that dont work as a whole but have parts i can scavenge, i have looked at them but the only thing i see really worth scavenging is the optical drive and maby a CPU cooler.

these are some the computers:

Dell Presision 380

Dell Dimension 9200

and an old custom computer thats really just terrible...( not even listing specs for it its has 1 1g rams stick...)

Salvage what you think you can save money on, doesn't matter what it is..Hell even scavange an old HDD to save buying an OS.

Probably the hard drives. That's about it.

there 80g a peice not really usefull for a gaming pc


You don't NEED to buy Windows...

HDD's and an Optical drive. Put what you save from using salvaged HDD's and the Optical drive into an SSD for boot. With the HDD's being storage.

You could sell the ram, it might be DDR2 which goes for a bit now a days

I might say you are kinda bottlenecking your CPU and Video Card. I mean you can get an 8350 for literally $60 more.

And one more thing.. Buying a $140 dollar Motherboard when you're on a budget? You dont need that at all. Buy something like an Asrock 970 Extreme4

And seriously a case for 30 bucks? If you want good airflow in your pc $30 wont do...