Well as you have read, my friends and I have started a joke cult worshiping you guys and your show. Its all in good fun and we really are very much inspired by you guys. Most of our knowledge regarding computers are based on your show. Keep up the good work. ALL HAIL OUR LORDS AND LADIES OF TEK!!!
Check out link to see our visual aid in our cult. It took me couple min to make this, hope you find it at least amusing. http://x8att0sa1x23x.deviantart.com/art/Everbettercult-432342262?ga_submit_new=10%253A1391742434
February 7, 2014, 3:53am
You should make the tek logo the pentagram.
I would have but I am too lazy. haha :)
OH NO!! Please... I mean nor harm. I will begin straight away!!!
February 7, 2014, 11:43am
Per aspera ad inferi
In the name of the Mighty Deus Qain
We are blessed with prosperity
With the Guidance of Wendell
We aspire to teach the Ignorant
With the pure essence of masculinity that is Logan
We shall convert the peasants
With the word of pistol
We will Slaughter the peasants that refuse to covert
We shall raze the world in the name of the Syndicate
In the name of the master race.
For it is the word of gaben
What about Pistol? Is she not worthy of praise??? Choose your next words carefully heathen.
Will there be punch or Kool Aid!?
Like mother marry, some will choose not xD
Well you guys could do worse.... Also, Goodmorning Tech Syndicate, nice site you got here.
Creepy as shit. Linking this to the higher ups. Haha.
You mean Logan and the gang?