Hello to everyone on Tek Syndicate taking the time to read my post. I first became interested in computers and pc gaming back in October and have been doing research for my build. There has been a lot of revisions to it since and I would like to get your honest input on it.
I plan to play a lot of games and from what I understand this graphics card will be able to get me good frame rates. On another note I recently landed a good paying job and my build can finally become a reality. Thank you for time. :)
Edit: Thanks to everyone for their input. I am now satisfied with this build.
I usually recommend going for 1x8GB ram over 2x4GB, as it makes upgrading easier and cheaper.
The harddrive (WD Blue) is plenty fast enough for anything, but if you can find room for a 64gb or 120gb SSD for OS and a couple of programs, it is a noticeable improvement. This can be a future upgrade as well.
If you do not want to overclock, ditch the i5 and the noctua cooler and get an E3 1230 V2 and save about $30 as you can use the stock cooler while getting faster stock speeds of an I7