I was searching for a really cheap case because i am sick of keeping my PC in a 16 year old ETC case and i found this for 23€. kind of nice because for that i can only get a generic Acer case. This has all that i need, but its ugly on the inside. You can do good cable management but there really is no point because there is no window.
Imgur Album: http://imgur.com/a/z7Dlq
Doesn't look like cable management will be any good, and that gray metallic interior... don't care for it. Otherwise it's half decent. How much is an NZXT Source going for where you're at?
about double that and that is without shipping. This one is cheap because its domestic
I'm a fanboy of the Define R5, but obviously you're not looking to get a case in that price range. lol.
IF I were to ever have that case, I'd probably paint the inside to be black (just personal preference) and from how it looks, if you REALLY work hard at it, good cable management may be possible, but you'll need to be a bit creative. A long while back a friend of mine gave me a PC case (Solar-M1-G) and wanted me to do a built in it. After looking online, cables were horrendous. Below is a picture that speaks for the rest online
HOWEVER, once I got the rest of the parts, I threw his computer together and worked at the cables for a little longer, MY built result is below.
Im posting these to show that even crappy cases can be made to look niceish if you put the work into them. My personal rule of thumb is to avoid cheap cases, and for a reason. Their build quality can be massively poor, the material used to make the case can give very bad support, it can flex pretty hard, you could get cuts from super sharp edges rather easily, things can breaks, flimsy stuff, the list goes on. If you do get the case, just be careful and work that extra mile for cable management.
And to add, cable management isn't just for aesthetics. A bunch of cables in the way can seriously quell your airflow, case air pressure, and provide much more surface area for dust and other gunk to settle. It really does and can make a difference in your computer's temperatures.
Zalman, Enermax, Fractal Design and Antec all have very good and sturdy cases under 50$. That is in canada, it may vary depending on where you are located, but check them out!
don't worry i do good cable management, here http://imgur.com/a/GESzf this used to be my PC before i upgraded, i think that cable meagment i nice