What Are Your Most Annoying Distrobutions And Why?

Enough, but it does not matter.

The fact that a distro could have made things easy on their users and chose not to because they only want to use free software is stupid.

It would be one thing if they boycotted particular companies because they spy on you or something. That I could at least understand.

But come on. Google chrome was a pain to install and google has always been pretty good team player when it comes to open source.

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How did you install Chrome? They have 32 and 64bit .rpm downloads

sudo dnf install google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm

Its not in the main repo. You either used rpm fusion or something else. When I searched for google I got diddly squat.

Did a bit of research and that is when I found that fedora does not want to support it.

Most instructions I found for downloading it said to download it straight from google which sort of worked. Of course I could not install googles dependencies because they were not in the main repo either.

I ended up using fedy to install chrome. And then steam was an issue because the rpm fusion driver did not install everything needed to make steam work and I got the infamous swrast issue.

I still have yet to successfully install Arch with working drivers. I don't see why people can't recommend what they like while also stating that it isn't perfect for ______ , but will work great if you like ______ .

For me I like customization, but also don't want to have to recommend my friends a distro that requires a lot of CLI commands, therefore I will recommend Ubuntu because for most people it works out of the box and requires almost no maintenance while giving you the option to use the terminal for a lot of things if you wish. However I do get errors often, almost always because of the way my laptop shutdown and then I run a command to remove the error and it's fixed until next time.

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asked some coworkers the "least liked linux distro" question today...

my favorite reply was "ubuntu server... i can't get over how shit it looked when my brother installed it"
-receptionist (only person in the building using a mac)

@Tjj226_Angel: Did you have a look at this https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Chromium?

Also, depending on your definition of spying, some might say that google spies on you. They do harvest a ton of your data.

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The only distro I come close to hating is arch, and mainly because of the community and in particular the staff. Community aside, the distro is a bit more bleeding edge than I would prefer.

Yeah, the Arch community seems to be actively trying to keep people away from the distro.

Imagine a community of people that have put enormous effort into providing an outstanding and very detailed online manual and wiki, which deals with most problems that users might encounter, not only in arch, but also in many other GNU/Linux distros....

Imagine this community delivering the most bleeding edge distro out there for years, while still managing to provide a stable system in most cases because of hard work and dedication...

Imagine this community being the community with the least sponsorship of any orginal GNU/Linux development community out there, yet they deliver an outstanding bleeding edge product with the fastest patch speed in the entire GNU/Linux world, and - even more commendable - the fastest patch or solution publication time of any GNU/Linux development community, so that their finding may benefit other communities.

Then imagine these guys, that have a day job and spend hours after work working on Arch development and maintenance and documentation and publication, being confronted with literally tens of thousands of requests - mostly the same requests all over again - from people that are basically too lazy to read the fucking manual...

That's why the Arch community is the way it is...

I'm not making excuses for their sometimes irritating behaviour, I think they should control the whole attitude a bit better, but I can't say that I don't understand where it comes from lol...


Two distros come to my mind but in both cases it's not about the distro, the 'product' itself but the people surrounding it.

  1. ElementaryOS

eOS doesn't seem to have users, developers or maintainers but only fanboys.
It's honestly ridiculous, whenever you (or anybody) try to give some feedback or even point out concrete technical problems, hell even if you just ask a question which may sound critical they instantly go in full defense mode, you can't have a normal conversation with these guys.
Also they don't have any real support forum, wiki, documentation etc. just some subreddit and a google+ group.

2.. Manjaro

Again not about the distro but their maintainers just burble a lot of stuff which doesn't make them look like they know what they are talking about.
The main developers of this distro once talked about how they're going to base Manjaro on a hybrid of OS X and Windows instead of the Linux kernel and GNU utilities....
Another time when they forgot to get a new SSL cert for their website
their main developer suggested on an official manjaro platform to set back your system time as a solution....

If you use a distro you have to trust the maintainers and developers.
I won't trust people who think they can base a Linux distro on a 'mix' of two proprietary operating systems and that it's a good idea to set back your system time to get access to a site with expired SSL cert.