What Are Your Favorite Linux Distrobutions and Why?


It's dark side of Linux

  1. Korora - best OS I've used yet. Fedora + RPM + Pharlap + codecs + Numix
  2. Manjaro - Arch based. Well maintained.
  3. Ubuntu - gotta have love for where you started.

Apracity and OzonOS both look exciting but haven't had a chance to play with them yet

My favorites are Arch and Ubuntu Mate. I would like Manjaro if it had better FS support.

Arch: Arch is a system that you can do whatever you want to, no holds barred. It works with you rather than against or next to you and it is as flexible as can be. Pacman is better than any package manager I have ever used and I don't have to use up too many resources when installing stuff or running anything.

Ubuntu Mate: While I love arch, I always have issues with it on multiple hard drive systems. On a desktop system I need something I can just slot in, get up and running, and then I am streaming and video editing as fast as possible with my favorite, if not second favorite, DE. I would put manjaro here however manjaro has no clue what XFS is. At that manjaro can't set XFS on anything even if you did it in gparted.

Yeah screw manjaro :\

Don't even get me started on AntergOS.

I've been seeing a lot of this lately and all I can really say is, at the time, I couldn't see to install Arch... That's that. I had remember every command and hope it worked out; luckily when I gave it a shot it did, but in all honesty, I wouldn't ever had had the opportunity to try Arch without Manjaro... And Manjaro would probably the OS I would install on my workstation right after SUSE. I gave up on Mint. I don't like apt.

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The only reason I say screw manjaro is because they keep changing base-game mechanics in the OS. Suddenly XFS doesn't work! Oops! Must be a system bug! No thats how your installer sets up grub. If I fix it, yeah it'll boot, then say it's wrong, "fix it", then I reboot and it doesn't work again.

It just pisses me off.

Elementary here, I really want to use antergos but its not stable enough on my laptop, AMD M dedicated card. Once I get a new laptop, will be switching back.

I can understand; it's a maturing distribution. The community is young and full of ideas. New implementations of software are put into Manjaro and that is becoming more and more unique. For those who need something that just works, it sucks, but like I said, give it time.

And a bit back, when it was my daily driver, I will admit that if you didn't update at least every other day, something would break.

Lol thats just how arch works bro.

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Just out of curiosity, are you talking about this XFS problem from February (turned out to be a regression in the kernel source), or was there a more recent incident?

Just going to mention that Manjaro's been running my daily driver for close to two years now and it's been rock solid. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" jives with me, so I'm gonna keep on rolling with it until I no longer can.

Vanilla Arch would be my next choice and I run it on a few other machines, but I've come to regard it as more of a toy than a tool because it's been much more prone to breakage, especially since the non-LTS kernel package moved to the 4.2 branch (running 4.1 LTS helps, but hasn't been a guarantee of stability).

Anything mission-critical gets CentOS 7.

As with any distro, one's mileage is gonna vary. ;-)

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THis is a direct problem with how they have setup configured to handle setting up grub and XFS Inodes.

Gotcha, and thanks. Found this and this, which I assume are related. Gonna play around with this over the next couple of days for self-edification.

Yeah, that's what I like about Tumbleweed; the model is perfect. Of course there are small patches occasionally once a day or so,etching of that nature, but nothing critical will change for at least 1-2 weeks... Although I was kinda annoyed I didn't get kernel 4.2 until yesterday... 4.3 is going to be out soon as it is.

if I'm going to have a rolling release it HAS to e arch. It cannot be anything else because TBH I cannot use it. Suse is good for something like a workstation to me. You install your apps once and you're good. YaST is a bit of a pain in my ass and Zypper is unreliable on my internet connection. I need pacman and I need to be able to build from source. TBH I would LOVE sabayon if it had a not terrible community x3

Ubuntu LTS


Everything works out of the box and super stable. You install and forget about it and do your work, no hassle.

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Fair enough. Not everything is for everyone. I have the source repositories enabled for when I absolutely need to compile from source, and personally, minus intial configuration, YaST isn't too bad although when you do modify something you have to make sure YaST isn't overriding it. I think someone made an article on how to setup Zypper and YaST so that it cached files or something of that sort for people with unreliable connections.

I guess the reason I won't switch and why I use SUSE is because:

A. I don't have the time. I can throw Zypper dup into a terminal and be done with maintenance.

B. I like Zypper I'm the way that I know it like the back of my hand now; better than apt even with 3 years of using it in comparison to about a year.

C. When shit happens, I know what to do to fix it; like I said, I know most of the utilities like the back of my hand at this point.

D. This is the distro I'm using for my LFCS certification.

E. I think it implements new software amazingly well for something constantly on the edge. On other rolling releases there were occasional inconsistencies such as older packages being dependencies borking my system (looking at you Rawhide and Debian testing).

F. I learn a lot using it. Weird huh? I never nearly as much for, any other distro. I guess this is the ultimate reason I stick with it.

I wish when I first started with Linux I wish I could've said the same. It left a bitter taste in my mouth... It's probably better now, but I've moved on.

I mean it is a great base for simple distros as well.

You should check out 14.04. At first I was not sure what distro to try for the first time, when I researched the hate on ubuntu among the linux community was apparent (which I really don't know why, If crash reports and online suggestion was the problem you could just turn them off). So I tried out Linux Mint, my very first ever linux, installed it, everything was working until I installed skype and then pulseaudio issues. Tried to fix the issue ended up breaking the whole audio on my system. Next Installed 14.04lts default unity. Guess what? EVERYTHING worked, no crashes, nothing. Had a small issue with unity auto hide where the launcher wouldnt show up easily, installed CCSM and fixed that as well. Now its been 4 months and I am running it with no problems whatsoever. Smooth. I dont even have to use windows because all the things I need I have them here. So been on linux exclusively for 4 months.

1) Ubuntu GNOME: I really liked Ubuntu until they started using Unity as their default, and that's what really caused me to look into other distros. I feel like it's one of those things where I can say that is just works. I'm surprised at how many people have mentioned it being buggy because I haven't really had any issues with it since 14.04 was released. It's the easiest to set up and have everything working out of the box. It's the easiest to get most programs working in. I still use Xubuntu occasionally because I want something a bit more snappy, and then I remember I have pretty good hardware in my laptop so I go back to GNOME.

2) Manjaro KDE: I was using Manjaro XFCE for a little while because I didn't feel like screwing with KDE to get it to work with my school's internet, but I really like KDE. I was actually really surprised because I've never cared for Kubuntu or Mint KDE, but I feel like Manjaro pulled of their KDE version really well. I really like the idea of it being based off of Arch, but ultimately that also causes some problems, which is why it comes second.

3) Trisquel: For when I like to lay in the fetal position in the corner with a tinfoil hat on because I just drowned my phone in the bathtub because the government is listening in on my conversations from my pocket, and GNU slash Linucks has no backdoors so it would be impossible for them to hack me, and free as in freedom not as in price, and Richard Stallman is my lord and savior. (This is a joke for those of you who have no sense of humor). If you've never heard of Richard Stallman you should look into him. Some of the stuff he says is reasonable, and some of it is just really silly and sounds like he's trying to get everyone to buy way too into the privacy scare so we'll all go GNU and support his cause.