What are you currently listening to (Non-metal edition)?

The Siren, is coming out of slumber–


I hope to be able to go to Glastonbury some time, it seems just so absolutely amazing.

It’s pretty cool to see how Arctic Monkeys have changed from when they started.

Lily Allen and The Specials, with Billy Brag standing in the side enjoying it. The only way it could’ve been more British is if the queen popped by waving.

And today one of my favourite bands played.

Ok… this would make it worth paying $400 to sleep in a damp sleeping bag. It should’ve been twenty minutes long though.

Linkin Park: Invisible

Mike Shinoda wrote this song with Chester. It’s about Telling a child something they don’t want to hear. Not because you want to hurt them, you tell them because you love them.

This makes me tear up everytime I watch it

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They’ve restored the original video.

Very nice for long coding sessions.

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I recently went through the older music that influenced me and re-familiarized myself with the genius that is Mike Shinoda.

Light “reading” about the American internment of people with Japanese ancestry. nbd.

Lovely music with French lyrics :sunglasses:

Going to see them in Denver this November. Super excited!


I was in the mood for some Prince.

Entire Albums

Helms Alee - Night Terror
Helms Alee - Weatherhead
-Discovered Helms Alee a few months ago, definitely a fast favorite.

A Formal Horse - Meat Mallet
-Now some avant-rock so don’t go looking for fully coherent lyrics

True Widow - As High As The Highest Heavens And From The Center To The Circumference Of The Earth
-Heavy, meditative, gloomy but optimistic.

JEFF The Brotherhood - Heavy Days
JEFF The Brotherhood - Magick Songs
-Relentlessly chillaxed, simple, joyful.

Denali - The Instinct

Single tracks


Oneohtrix Point Never - Garden Of Delete - Freaky Eyes

Ideini - Sounds of Each Soul - Phoenix

IAH - Omines - Omines (ft. Spaceslug)

COOLRUNNINGS - Fool Moon (Digital) 7" - Side A: Fool Moon

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress - Piss Crowns Are Trebled
-Of course they are internet famous for the iconic “The Dead Flag Blues”, but somehow I only recently realized they had a bunch more albums, each of which has a track or two I really love.

SubRosa - For This We Fought The Battle Of Ages - Troubled Cells

Francis Bebey - Psychedelic Sanza 1982​-​1984 - Bissau
-Such a chill dude, here he is demonstrating the one note flute used in the song

South - From Here On In​/​Out - All In For Nothing (Reprise)

Johnny Hollow - Dirty Hands - Stone Throwers

Whirr - Around - Drain

Moulettes - Preternatural - Pufferfish Love

Kal-El - Dark Majesty - Temple

Moon Safari - Blomljud - Constant Bloom followed by Methuselah’s Children
-If JEFF The Brotherhood is relentlessly joyful, then Moon Safari is aggressively, psychotically joyful and hunting you down personally.

I didn’t understand it was the full set that was songs of The Smith. Amazing! And it’s Rick Astley?!

cover of what feels a 80’s classic. So GOOD

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Heard this on 3kliksphilip and dykg

Stumbled upon this on Youtube.

I have to admit I find a bit annoying when songs I’ve found through turning rocks in dark places, suddenly becomes popular on TikTok or something years. They didn’t have to work for it!

This isn’t popular on TikTok, I just love it.

[Edit: Sorry I forgot. NSFW in countries that get upset by the F-word.]

The metal thread is seeping through …