What are you currently listening to (Non-metal edition)?

Animal Collective - sung tongs

William Basinski - The Disintegration Loops

good work tunes


Didn’t think I’d actually enjoy an MGK track…

Think it’s a nostalgia thing, reminds me of old paintball highlight music videos.

The most 80’s Flock of Seagulls track of all time.

That was released in 1995.

Discovered this song listening to an 80’s playlist by a former coworker on spotify. He has something like 3,000 Vinyl records from the 80’s. After listening to him I went to talk to him and his only response was “I was waiting for you to find that one lol”.

Seriously, I loved the song then looked at who it was and when it was released and was like “what in the actual fuck?”



A E S T H E T I C North

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Ohh yes, more of that please.


Just finished an exam, got a nice coffe and feeling good!

This whole album is just fantastic