I own a Nvidia Shield Tablet K1 with LineageOS 14.1 that has been rooted with Magisk. I have installed a Magisk module to doze Google Play Services. I use Kernel Adiutor (ROOT) to Governor the CPU. I also, use Hibernation Manager to hibernate CPU, sync and all apps when the screen is off. I disabled background data for all apps.
What are other ways to Extend Battery Life on Android 7.1 Rooted? Also, is there a way to Governor specific apps when opened/using?
Greenify + Island (both from the same Developer) are the only methods I’ll swear by.
Check XDA Developers Community as well if in need of more specific information.
I was gonna say greenify plus a good firewall.
Firewall would be completely useless for the Author’s requirements to “hibernate applications, etc.,” for battery longevity mate.
You would be amazed if you take the time to firewall all unnecessary connections and use it track down anything unusual or unwanted. ( believe me when I say there is alot of it. Once you manage to firewall in relation to your use it will make a difference. ) Take the time to learn about what is connecting and why and firewall anything that is not absolutely needed.
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Get rid of gapps, use the yalp store WHEN YOU NEED TO to download from the playstore, otherwise use open source stuff from f-droid, only turn on wifi or 3/4/g/LTE, not both, turn off nfc, clear ram every 5 hours.
Easy shit.
This had crossed my mind before making my initial response.
But the Author’s phone being rooted, and provided Greenify + Island was actually installed, both of those applications would literally kill any foreground/background activity after X amount of time spent dozing the mobile.