What are the key things for recording gameplay footage?

need help i have 4gb of ram an amd phenom 955 and a 7770 gpu.

If your going to be recording via software, you will need more RAM. You can get away with 8GB but its best to have more. You will also require a fast HDD or a seperate one to record to (as I do) this will prevent stuttering as the file writes to the drive and the HDD then needs to read else where (eg a file for the game you are playing)

If your recording via a capture card, you will need the additional drive/ fast one again. Or another computer if say the capture card is attached to another computer.

There are many external and internal PCI-e capture cards, as well as the ones that run through USB. One that pops to mind is the Avermedia one. There are others. Software wise I just use Fraps, I have no problems with it and I use audacity to record my mic input seperatly so I can fiddle with noise suppression.

thanks i am going to buy another stick of ram what internal hardrives u prefer thats good for gaming?? i read that western digital cavair black is good for gaming??

Don't worry about something being "good for gaming." Most of the time, "gaming" is labeled on regular things to just make the price go higher and get people to buy it. Just look for a good reviewed hard drive that has good write/read speeds and you are good.

will do thanks