What are the essential mods for skyrim to relieve consolitis?

Just bought skyrim on sale. And i want to make it look as good as possible.

ENB mods.

There's Bethesdas very own HD pack that you can download for free on Steam, just to get started.

You will want the "Kill children" mod, obviously. Just because:


Take a stroll to the Skyrim Nexus page. Depending on what your GPU can handle, higher quality texture mods are a must have, as well as SkyRe, for me at least. SkyRe changes how a lot of systems in the game work. It actually makes the game a bit harder. Some people use ENBs, I haven't tried any because as someone who plays as a werewolf or vampire every now and then I like to use Gopher's Predator Vision mod which doesn't work with ENBs.

I think ive got everthing looking good so far except the ground.

There are plenty of 2k and 4k textures for landscape that will fix that :)

I was kind of hoping for a recomendation. But anyway all day today ive just been working through the list of the top 100 and the top downloads on the nexus. So i havent really strayed to far from that exact list. The only ones i found on there were the serious hd texture skyrim and an hd terrain texture the second one only seems to help render textures at the medium distance but honestly i couldnt see a big difference in the screens so i didnt bother with it.

If you are a bow and arrow type guy, you may want to check out Real Arrow SFX.  SkyUI is also a great mod.  I can't play Skyrim without it.  More mod recommendations (depending on your system's specs):

  • Better Sorting
  • No More Blocky Faces
  • Midas Magic
  • HiRes Legible Road Signs
  • A Quality World Map
  • Static Mesh Improvement Mod
  • Immersive Weapons
  • Immersive Armor
  • Lush Trees and Grass
  • Skyrim Bigger Trees
  • Project Reality Climates of Tamriel
  • Wet and Cold
  • Skyrim Flora Overhaul
  • Realistic Ragdolls and Force
  • W.A.T.E.R
  •  Height Adjusted Races with True GIants
  • Enhanced Blood Textures
  • Achieve That!

That's all I can think of off the top of my head at the moment.  There's tons more out there.  I think Pistol is going to be doing a video on this soon.

I have a question about "achieve that" I know on fnv i had a mod on that gave me perks for increasing my skills in perception and things like that i felt really over powered with that mod on. I was worried that "achieve that!" would be to overpowered. Is that the case?

Is that arrow mod just sounds?


If you want more bows in your game, check out mods such as Better Bows.  There's tons others that add various arrows as well.  I think Immersive Weapons will help with this.

I'm not entirely sure.  I haven't played with that mod enough to form an opinion.  From looking at the tasks/rewards, it doesn't look like it could be OP.  Maybe other people on here will have a better idea.

Also, this mod...

I bought it on Steamsale yesterday as well, so i am happy you made this post as i have some of the same questions. I would like to know what modmanager people use (if any). I am trying the nexus mod manager at the moment, and even though it works i am not really impressed by it. The nexusmod website has been quite a bad experience so far as well. 

I use Nexus Mod Manager, but here lately I've been experiencing problems with the Nexus website as well.  I think it's from all the traffic they are getting.  It's overloading the servers.

If you want, you can give the Steam Workshop a try.  Not sure how well it'll work since their servers are getting the same treatment due to the summer sale.

Im getting the curse client right now, i remember i used it when i played wow and it was great, Ill let you know how it goes, im new to the game so i dont really know where to be looking. I wonder if theres a list of all the best graphic upgrade mods

Curse has very few decent mods. 

  I reccomend


-SKSE (Required for SkyUI)

-Static Mesh Improvement Mod

-Weathered Road Signs

-Gromits Fletching Mod

-Skyrim HD

-Serious HD Retexture Skyrim

-Realistic Lighting Overhaul

To start with. If you want the list of everything I use, Just ask.

Well i will probably install all of those anyway, thanks alot if you have anything else you feel is worth it let me know, I still like it to remain skyrim after all the mods are installed lol. 

There are a few Skyrim HD Overhaul mods to be added.

Static Mesh Improvement Mod is another one that's really good, as well.

There are a few mods to increase the load distance, as well.

SkyUI seems like a must have. It is such a huge quality of life improvement.

Where should i be getting these mods? I cant make an account on Nexus I tried 3 times and dont get a conformation email and every page on the site usually times out or take minutes to load. everywhere else is fine though, i can stream 1080p video but i cant see their site. 

I stumbled across these mods this morning and thought i share them here:

Open Cities Skyrim http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8058/?

No Spinning Death Animation http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17214/?