What are the benefits of having a PC?

Hi everyone!

If its possible i wold want to hear what you guys think!This was meant for Logan but its taking too much time...

First im sorry for my bad english and for the long message but please read it because i really need help! I live in Bulgaria in Europe,im 15 years old and i need to tell you in this country the prices of a decent PC and the prices of components are DOUBLE the prices in the USA.

So for 3 months now i have memorised all the things that i need to know about PC from you and i want to buy one.These are the following parts that i want:


Mobo:Gigabyte GA-990FXA

RAM:Corsair vengeance 8Gb (2x4GB)

GPU:Radeon HD 7870XT version

PSU:Corsair TX 650W

HDD:western digital blue 1tb

Case:NZXT 210 with window

So i tought i was all set to buy it from NEWEGG but today i found that newegg does not shipp internationaly!And from that point on again i wondered what are the benefits of having PC?

These are the down points of a PC

1.search the whole web to find the perfect components

2.find the perfect site with low pricing that ships to my awfull country

3.buy it online because the prices here are too damn high!

4.be afraid if it is broken on arrival

5.have problems with returning it


7.the PC that ive selected is SLOWER than the next gen consoles AND it is more expencive

These are the down points of a console:

1.Dont use a keyboard and a mouse ( this is the worst because ive played on PC since i was 4 y.o.)

2.have to buy the games!

3.cant upgrade but really i dont have to!the PS4s components are so good!

So in your defence how can you convince me to get a PC over a console?Im sorry if im rude but i know you like to help people wanting to get into PC!

PS:I really wanted to work in a Computer shop or something like that and help people with their purchases of a PC as my first job when i finish University but now i dont see that happening because i  cant get into PC.......

I just want to hear your toughts on this guys....Thanks for the help.


I didn't read your post in full. (sorry just skimed) But to address the question in the topic the benifits for me are that my gaming machine is also my workstation. I do suggest to play games on PC rather than console just because of my bais feelings. But it sounds like all you want to use your PC for is gamming so it really is up to you if you already play games on console and it pleases you stay with that.

Same argument could go for people who ask if they should use a linux distro instead of windows. but in the end just do what you want.

Where are you from? You'd appreciate PC for what it is entirely different if you wouldn't compare it to consoles as much. They only compare in one regard, which is gaming and gaming alone. In this case, PC wins due to many variables (better peripherials, longer history in design, more adaptabillity to different sorts of games and programs, better access to the internet). So it's more purposeful than a console. As far as pricing goes, you don't need an expensive PC (i.e investing in a editing-grade machine with expensive processor, motherboard and memory) just for gaming. You only need an expensive video card, which will not get outperformed by any consoles anytime soon, we can assure you this.

What you have there is good but if you want to save some money while having the same performance, and lower overclocking capabillity, go for a cheaper 990 motherboard, get a cheaper psu and make it 450-550W, you don't really need higher than that unless you plan on crossfiring, which I don't reccomend.
So actually the console wins in just one regard, and i'ts the reason they sell : convenience. It's easier to buy a new console, sit your ass on a sofa playing on a big screen with an upscaled image and crippled controls (and no difficulty scaling whatsoever) while only buying and playing only the top 5 selling crap games that the platform has to offer, realizing you've spent 50$ for each game, eventually spending the same ammount on a PC like the one you intend to build. 

Prices in my country are terrible too, but that's due to VAT taxes and the market leaning towards mobiles and consoles (they are the reason the retail pc market is dead here, and why hardware is expensive and stagnates so much, since 2007). You vote with your money if you want either cheaper and better PCs or giving your money to microsoft or sony who don't really care to make their developers make better games, only to sell more. It does make a difference. Although I wouldn't mind people buying this generation since it's AMD, and I hope it will uplift it and make it keep up with their  Desktop market crowd, and maybe reclaim it's crown once again.

Rant ended 

Well I can't help you on much with parts and prices ATM.

As for consoles.  Well by the time you buy the console and 30 games you could have a good PC and 30 games from Steam and GOG.

And too be honest.  Those parts you got, I wouldn't exactly say its weaker than Next Gen consoles.

People talk about PS4 with Low Level Hardware Access having good gains over API based systems.  Well I don't see that performance being properly utilized by developers.  I just can't imagine they would put that kind of effort into understanding hardware at that level.

PS4 will be the same thing as PS3's cell processor charade. No right in his head programmer would take the time to learn something that wouldn't benefit anything else but one platform, unless motivated by money. In which case, most games end up mediocre or worse. You can play those "mediocre" (not always, but a vast majority of them have been nothing more than clones to milk out as much money as possible with minimal effort, giving out less and less content for more and more money/price)  games (the yearly cod, fifa, nba, nfs etc.) on PC too, if you really want to.

The PC youve selected is a lot better than the next generation consoles, I know that much. So far I've purchased alot of PC stuff over the course of three years and never has anything arrived broken.  

A PC will last a lot longer than a console. You can pay more for a PC easily, however you pay for what you get. if I spent £500 (im from england) I would get slightly better performance over next gen. If I spent £1000 I would get much much better performance over the next gen. 

Honestly despite what you may believe the next gen stuff really isnt that awesome. Its just meant to sound that way. For example the CPU isnt all about the number of cores and GHz. An i5-3570k OC is much better than any AMD equivelant despite at first glance seeing an Intel with 4 cores at 3.5Ghz vs a AMD with 8 cores at 4Ghz, theres no winner, they perform around the same. Its much more complex then just the advertised numbers.

Games on PC are so much cheaper too. You'd make your money back in no time. Steam summer sale is so cheap.

This is just my opinion but it appears you are under false impressions when it comes to the next generation consoles.

I've translated this into Bulgarian in case you didnt understand some of it underneath.  

The PC избран Youve е много по-добре от следващото поколение конзоли, знам, че много. Досега съм закупили много от PC неща в течение на три години, никога не е нищо пристигна счупен.

(A PC ще издържи много по-дълго от една конзола. Можете да платите повече за PC лесно, обаче, която плащате за това, което получаваш. ако съм прекарал £ 500 (IM от Англия) ще получа малко по-добро представяне през следващата ген. Ако Прекарах £ 1000 ще получа много много по-добро представяне през следващата ген.

Честно казано, въпреки това, което може да вярва на следващия неща поколение наистина не е толкова страхотно. Нейната просто трябвало да звучи по този начин. Например процесора не е всичко за броя на ядрата и GHz. An i5-3570k OC е много по-добре от всеки еквивалентно AMD, въпреки на пръв поглед виждам един Intel с четири ядра на 3.5GHz срещу един AMD с 8 ядра на 4GHz, там няма победител, те изпълняват по едно и също. Нейните много по-сложно тогава просто обявените номера.

Игри за PC са толкова много по-евтино също. Ще направи парите си обратно в нито един момент. Продава Steam лятото е толкова евтино.

Това е само мое мнение, но изглежда сте под фалшиви впечатления, когато става въпрос за следващото поколение конзоли.

Аз съм превел на български език, в случай че не разбирам някои от тях отдолу.) 

Hope this made it easier for you to make your decision and please take into account this is just my general opinion. 

Good luck. (: (Надявам се това да направи по-лесно за вас да вземете решение и да вземе предвид това е само общото ми мнение. Късмет.)

These are the down points of a PC

1.search the whole web to find the perfect components

2.find the perfect site with low pricing that ships to my awfull country

3.buy it online because the prices here are too damn high!

4.be afraid if it is broken on arrival

5.have problems with returning it


7.the PC that ive selected is SLOWER than the next gen consoles AND it is more expencive

 PC has a wider array of functionaility. The latest console release is £350 ($399), but by the time you factor in the costs of your laptop that you use for productivity (conservative estimate £250/$300), you have the price of a gaming PC.

In short, you cannot compare consoles to PC. I can use mine for editing purposes and many other software uses.

I'll be sticking to PC, just because I can clean the inside without voiding my warranty. Consoles get full of dust, and when they experience thermal throttling, they will diminish in performance/die.

That's without mentioning the console lifecycle is several years. I can afford to update my PC as often as I wish. With all the latest graphics cards to make my games look better than anything from console. Truth is, consoles hold back the games industry with their terrible ports.

But consoles make the companies money and if they make money the will continue to make them. 

I moved from console to pc a few months ago. The benefits of pc outweigh the disadvantages. You can do so much with pc the limit is endless. When i started out i only played Bf3. Now im doing stuff i'd never thought i would do, stuff like autocad, photoshop and video editing. I'm new to most of these things but least i can teach myself and it will help me in the future. 

In the work industry you need computers. Most companies rely on computers and if you know you way around them and certain programs it will make your life easier. And it will get you further in life. You don't see the majority of work and design done these days on consoles.

The games industry has grown, probably due to the popularity of console. That point I will have to conceed.

Yeah, there is the professional element. I know I have had my share of PC problems (all fixed, fortunately), I am more compotent than most other people. It is something that I will put on a CV, for employment prospects.

I want to get into video editing soon. I just want to do a few "Let's play" videos.

Ok i understand i can do so much more on PC but if i can buy the PC that malcolmx said is 500 ponds then for me that is like 1500 (1 pound is multiplied by about 2.5) in my country.Thats the only reason it sucks for me....And the fact that i have to buy a monitor and a keyboard too is so mindblowing.But in the end i will suck it up,i have saved about 500$(in my case 800lv.).I just hope it will be benefitial to having a PC over a console!

Thanks for all the help guys!

everything is better about PC except the price

1. You don't need to search the whole internet. You just need to be aware of the current state of the market.

2. Usually you don't need to order from abroad. I don't think that prices in Bulgaria are so high and hardware is not available widely enough. I'm not having any problems with this in Latvia, for example.

4. DOA cases are rare. But yes, if you get something dead, it's hard to diagnose it.

5. I don't think that returning faulty hardware is troublesome. I guess it depends on the country.

6. You need a PC anyway. So instead of comparing price of a console with price of a PC, it makes more sense to compare difference in price between mediocre PC and gaming PC with the price of a console.

7. We don't know how next-gen consoles will perform yet. I'm not sure they will have better gaming performance than your PC.