What are good f2p games?

Im really bored of most games. I dont have much money at the moment. what are some good f2p games. I enjoy all types of games. I dont mind if there not on steam. I have been looking on good old games but they pretty much all cost money.
I dont mind if there are old either.

warframe, league of legends and many more.

I would check out both Desura and Itch.io for indie games that are free to play. Otherwise, can't go wrong with Valve and Dota 2/Team Fortress 2 - still lovely free to play games. Fistful of Frags is another free to play fps that is absolutely fantastic (it is also on Steam).

If you don't mind getting curbed stomped as you climb the skill curve Tribes: Ascend is incredibly rewarding despite having flaws that become apparent at the higher levels.

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If you like shooters, check out Loadout. Also warframe can be fun, just get another friend to play the game with, since some objectives can be a bit hard if you do them alone

If you wan't a good arcade-style brawler try Dungeon Fighter Online.

Alternatively a great MOBA to play if you aren't a huge fan of the RTS-style camera is SMITE, though the game has some balancing issues with its gods, it's great fun, especially with friends.

In terms of robust open-world MMOs I'd recommend RIFT or ArcheAge. Alternatively there's TERA as well.

I'd say your best bet is to look through steam to see if anything fits you, because there's always tons of other F2P games that might fit you better than the ones I recommend, because they're on steam i'll just list them without links and you can search them.

FPS Genre:
• Planetside 2
• Heroes and Generals
• Quake Live
• Gotham City Imposters

• Path of Exile
• Wakfu

• Ghost Recon Phantoms
• Nosgoth

Finally, if you like anime-style games, try anything by Nexon or Aeria Games, generally games by these companies have high fun factors if played in bursts. None of them are really games you can play for a long time, because they have restricted customization, sketchy business models, Lack of endgame content, repetitive content, etc.

P.S. sorry for the wall of text. I find myself looking for a good f2p game to play very often, so i'm a bit passionate about this topic.

P.P.S. i tried not to mention games that have already been mentioned too.


if you like war games: War Thunder and world of tanks. Armored Warfare will be out soon too that game is really fun.

Amazed that no one mentioned Team Fortress 2. A bit of a learning curve but despite its age it is, IMO, one of the best online shooters available. Still getting major content patches.

I tried RIFT and Everquest II but I was not a fan of the control scheme. I have enjoyed D&D Neverwinter to scratch my RPG itch. I just ignore the P2W aspects and just play through. Warframe is also enjoyable in experience. Also enjoy Quake Live for FPS

I have been trying games a might have over looked, system shock/2 might be good for you it does not cost much on steam. Kung Fury.

Clicker Heroes definitely


I was going to recommend SMITE as well. I have over 3,000 matches played, so obviously I'm bias, but it's a great experience for anyone wanting to transition from an MMORPG (or 3rd person shooter) to MOBA's. I must admit, that game has produced much salt in my life. But what can you do... When live give you salt, ask why it isn't lemons. I don't like salty things, but sour is just fine (as you can add sugar, I guess that some chips are sweet and salty...).

Oh, and Planetside 2. Yes. That was also on my list. It has a great feel for being F2P. While you can P2BS (pay to become stronger), it really isn't P2W (pay to win); the F2P power curve/progression is very comfortable, although can be restricting to a certain class for a while.

Then, offering some of my own experience, I loved the heck out of Lord of the Rings Online (LotRO). I've since stopped played because they ceased producing raid content, for favor of solo, instant-gratification content. But the game was a blast. Great memories were made. (However, the game really is only free to level 30, then you have to pay or grind for other content).

Finally, similar to the niche LotRO, I whole heartily recommend Puzzle Pirates. On face value, it looks like a 10 year old, mobile mashup, kids title... But it's not. While the player base is admittedly broad, although currently dwindling, the gameplay/content promotes mature players. In Puzzle Pirates, you control a pirate of your making who sets sail on a ship, taking any job he can (You perform puzzles to accomplish different tasks on the ship, like carpentry/repair, to sailing or bilging/empty water, while similarly using puzzles to attack the enemy ship.)

After you gain those smaller amount of pieces of eight, you can then use those to invest in other aspects of the game. For instance, many players will do as any good pirate would do... Gamble their earning away through Texas Hold 'Em poker. It's relativity easy to make money with poker, because everyone plays so loosely you can abuse playing conservative to capitalize on strong odds and large pots. Or... You can set up shop and provide different products/services to other pirates. You can own difference stalls that can make ships, clothes, weaponry, or furniture for your house (yes... you can buy massive estates if you are rich enough). Using simple economic principles, one may turn your little fortune into a large fortune.

With the large fortune you may have, you can then spend it on pets, familiars (basically pets that are more personal), lots of ships, and even your own island. The OMs (basically game masters) rarely add new islands, so you have to blockade and battle out another flag's island before you can claim stake on an island. Of course, finances and politics are not puzzles per se, but the actual blockade event is a massive PvP battle between usually 6+ ships full of players.

Now, I've rambled on about a game I'm pretty passionate about, although I'm replying to you @Lathos, I'm not necessarily trying to get you to play the game. But for the general knowledge of the community, you all now know of a couple niche F2P titles.

I'll check out puzzle pirates, I don't generally play puzzle games but it sounds fun and I've never heard of it either. So it couldn't hurt to try

Heroes and Generals is the best I have played.

Warthunder is pretty fun, but I'm just playing tanks right now. It's a tad grindy at times (especially once you hit tier 3) but it's pretty fair (can't really buy power, you can only buy faster progress. You are always matched against people of the same power level). I like it, sunk 50-something hours into it without spending any money. Now it's starting to get REALLY grindy and I would probably have to invest in a premium account or just play a ton to see fast progress, but you can also just stay at your tier and just have fun and play with the tanks you already have.

Dota 2, but it'll take you a good while to git gud, you don't have to unlock any heros in it though.

If you pick DOTA, read some of this https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/ if you want advice.

Planetside 2, extremely fun if you are into massive perpetual battles. There are battles that can have over 400 people in it all fighting over control of one point, it's amazing to watch and fight in. (if you have a rig that is powerful, this game has some serious issues with optimization and coding, it's old)

TERA, RPG thing, probably. Typical MMORPG I guess, the combat system is rather interesting as it's a realtime system based on skill and actual contact rather than RNG and dumb luck. Lots of cute things, and manly things and ERP so that's great. (Ditto, but it's because it's just a CPU hungry game, don't expect good FPS)

Dirty Bomb, fast paced objective based game. All about how well you can aim and shoot while under fire. The game feels well made, for a beta-ish game, but there are other issues, such as a non-existent matchmaking system, in progress balance issues and hackers. There are some players that will make you very frustrated because they feel like they are hacking and there is nothing you can even attempt to do about it. (Runs on a potato, kinda...)

Path of exile is probably the only f2p game i have properly got into. Cool story line(if you are into that sort of thing) and heaps of game play styles. The only downside(but possibly an upside for some) is the inevitable grind.