have a video editing computer and i got a mSata SSD for a scratch disk, i get insane reads and writes off it but im going to re-format it and i need to know some things before i do.
- What file system should i use?
- What allocation unit size should i use?
Options for the allocation size's are..
- 512 bytes
- 1024 bytes
- 2048 bytes
- 4096 bytes
- 8196 bytes
- 16 kilobytes
- 32 kilobytes
- 64 kilobytes
what would be the best for acessing potentially very large files very quickly? of more specificlly, acessing them for editing?
I think I might be speaking out of my butt here, but for the unit allocation size, either 32KB or 64KB. As for the Filesystem, exFAT or NTFS. Personally, I'd go with 64KB allocation with exFAT. From what I gathered on wikipedia, the allocation unit, or data cluster is the smallest cluster a file can occupy. The larger the unit size, the less overhead, and potentially faster transfers at the expense of wasted space. Since you are only transfering large files, I think 64kb would be best. ExFAT is optimized for flash devices, and doesn't have the 4GB file limit that FAT has. I'm not sure how it compares to NTFS though, besides the lack of compatibility with other operating systems.