With the new GTX 750 and GTX 750ti on the market I have really been thinking of upgrading my main PC.
At the moment I have a GT 640, which is just enough for what i need, since i'm not really a graphics guy.
A couple days ago I talked to a couple friends about what I should buy. First off: 750 or 750ti. Second: what brand should I get one from. The main thing for me is that it needs -at least- DVI out and HDMI out. If possible, a thrid output in case I ever decide to go triple monitor.
The main reason I dont know what to buy is that my current power supply does not have a 6-pin connector, and i'd rather not end up in the situation of needing a new power supply.
Also: i'm not going for a massive FPS increase, I'd rather have a card that stays in the same 65watt range as my 640 to avoid running over the limits of my (probably very crappy) power supply.
I know some people that have MSI cards, they're really quiet. I am an EVGA owner, and while they make great kit, their ACX cooled cards have horrible fan control. My brother has a stock 650ti boost from them and it's very silent, but my GTX 760 ACX SC is just too loud compared to MSI's cards. EVGA also has an insanely great warranty, and they offer a step-up program, so if a new card comes out within 90 days of you buying your current card, they'll allow you to pay the difference and upgrade.