Hello everyone,
I'm looking for a videocard to put in my first pc. But I can't choose between the normal xfx 280x or the xfx 280x black oc edition. Are they just the same cards and with the oc edition just overclocked. Or are there some improvements with the card. Otherwise I could just overclock the card myself and it will save me 30 euro. But I don't know if I can overclock the black edition ever further. Im also temped to pick the Msi 280x gaming 3gb because then I could build a pc with a red colorscheme, but from the benchmarks it seems like the xfx is a little bit better. I don't know much about the build quality either. I think the xfx comes with a lifetime warranty, while the msi has military grade components. So I don't which is better.
Can someone help me choose?