To show the lower quartile of society in New Zealand, our locally operated site, Whale Oil, known for posts relating to political goings on in New Zealand, was recently attacked after owner, Cameron Slater, made a not-so politically correct post calling a man who was killed in a car crash around the West Coast area of South Island a "feral".
The post was made during the weekend on his site and has since only attracted haters, including those people (I think we know who) who brought his site down to a halt with series of DDoS attacks. At the same time, Slater also received death threats. The most unintelligent thing about these so-called internet vigilantes is that they did so over Facebook, thus, revealing their identity. About 200-300 people were calling for Slater to commit suicide and saying something like knocking his teeth out on the spot. All of these people's identities were handed over to NZ Police where they will be making an investigation into the individuals. The site attacks are also currently under investigation into who were those people carrying out the attacks.
If caught, the attacks carries a serious penalty of 7 years imprisonment and likely a ban on the internet for quite a while.
My thoughts for the people around the world, including my New Zealand dummies of the net, who were busted before trying to do this - whenever you are trying to 'defend' a victim of something shameful, please do it so transparently. Just like being a bloody idiot for drink driving, all of you participants of the death threat are actually dumbfucks; more than bloody idiots. What Mr Slater said, your noble job of trying to put him down only turned you into cyber-bullies, which is a big topic as of today and not to mention, we are against it. And since you did this form your personal social account, why not bother coming back to Facebook so we can have 300-or-so less on there. Your name could be leaked anytime soon.
Protip: Any of you anti-cyber-bullies that had joined in the carnage, that pretty much proves all of you not being so competent and not a real anti-bullies. Since it was a test, that was a straight "D"; fail.
As for our community, I do not think all of you are one of those cyber-bullies since you wouldn't be this dumb.
About the website: As of now, it is still down. No ETA when it will be back.
Sources: and