Logan recently said on the Tek that the only way to fix the problems with ISPs (and everything else government) in this country is from the inside. Honestly I'm not so optimistic, I think we are all fucked no matter what we do, but it's worth trying, so will you please run for Congress? You're very intelligent, likable, and you seem to have good principals/morals. You are also very good at explaining technical issues and concepts in ways that laymen can understand. You're also a white male with a clean cut image, so the institutionalized racism and sexism in this country wouldn't negatively affect your chances.
I know you would hate it, and it would probably mean you couldn't spend as much time on the tek (and your consulting gig, ofc) as you currently do, but god damnit, we need a smart guy like yourself telling those piece of shit politicans wtf is up in the house, and we also need someone like yourself to get some widespread media exposure so stupid americans can hear a little about how the ISPs and government is fucking all of them. Just pretend you're doing an episode of the tek every time you speak. I know you'll have to show your face, but we need you, slugger.
So whuddaya say? :D
(If after careful consideration, you decide not to, it's OK, but in that case would you join the WAAF party? Because truly, we are all fucked!)