Wendell, you should go to Defcon and make tek syndicate videos for us! Those of us interesting in hacking will absolutely love it!
The thing you guys just got back from in China was very meh for me, cause I'm just not all that interested in the latest and greatest hardware for gaming and entertainment and what not. Different strokes for different folks. I love hacking though and watch many many Defcon presentations on the internet and love the conference, but have never been myself. I'd love to live vicariously through you and visit Defcon and take in the whole experience.
Go to Defcon Wendell. Go, and know in your heart ...
I agree... I think we need to figure out how to go to more things like Penguicon, Defcon, etc. It's hard to cover our costs because a lot of the vendors do not want to sponsor these events. I am at a point where I think it's more important to cover this stuff than almost anything, so we are going to start figuring out how to make it happen.
hey you have said in the tek that you are in germany, so where are you and when are you there. It would be very cool to meet you here in good old germany
Then this is almost definitely out of the question for now, but if your ever in Europe again you should come around when FOSDEM is on or **c3 (the next one is 32c3)
If there's a way to cover more of these events (defcon and the like) i think it would be great.
I recently purchased two shirts, a coaster set and a imperial pint glass to help fund this. I'll probably be signing up for Tek Support and ordering this month's shirt as well. I know it will take more, but every bit helps right?
Logan will never ask us for money, at least that's what I think, take it for what you will. Us as an community however, can do whatever the hell we want, and if Wendell says he would like to go on behalf of tek, nobody or their damn mother could stop us for scraping together a fat check to Wendell, with Defcon written on it.
Right, but things cost money to produce and such, and there's already tek support, but many a people like using patreon since it's a one stop shop for all my donations to various shows
well then, I will be myself on defcon. Hope to see you guys there.
Just fyi if this is your 1st time ~ don't bring your credit/debit cards (bring cash); better to keep all electronics off the grounds unless you want them to be hacked or something. Tek should bring about 3-4 people to cover interesting topics ~ note some of them are at the same time ~ you can't be everywhere at the same time.